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10 Timely Ways to Pray This Fall

Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances.  

– 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 

As an organization motivated by Christian faith to serve those in vulnerable situations, World Relief Chicagoland believes in the power of prayer to transform lives and communities. This fall, will you join the community of staff, church partners, and individuals praying for lasting change as we walk alongside immigrants and refugees?  

Prayers and Praises

1. Pray for the new school year.

With a new school year underway, pray for the success of all the students in school. That includes the young people who recently arrived in the United States and are attending school here for the very first time! Additionally, you can also ask God to bless the students returning for another year. We desire that they all feel supported, find belonging, and gain the knowledge they need to reach their goals. 

2. Pray for refugee arrivals.

As World Relief Chicagoland, along with people like you, prepares to welcome 700 refugees to Chicagoland from all over the world starting this fall, praise God for this significant increase in arrivals! With so many new people coming, you can also pray for a smooth resettlement process for all the arriving families and individuals. Pray that we will serve them well.

3. Pray for Afghan evacuees.

In addition to the 700 refugees, World Relief Chicagoland will welcome an additional 150 people from Afghanistan in need of support. Ask God for them to receive a warm welcome from World Relief volunteers, donors, and the surrounding community. And pray for those in Afghanistan. Many are still seeking to leave the country in search of safety. And they have family here who are worried for them! You can ask that all feel comfort and peace and that families be reunited.

4. Pray for English learners.

Pray for World Relief Chicagoland’s Education Team, who are enrolling new English language learners in classes this fall. You can pray for those who are in beginner or career-focused English classes to improve their skills. Because we want all people to build community, we want to see them use their English skills to build relationships! Also, pray that they find satisfaction and success in the learning process and do not become discouraged.

5. Pray for asylum seekers.

This fall, we are connecting churches with families seeking asylum. These new relationships can be transformational for everyone involved, so ask that God help friendships form and for the financial and relational support that churches provide to make a lasting impact.  

6. Pray for job searchers.

World Relief’s Employment Team works hard to help individuals find careers where they will thrive. We want them to use their gifts, skills, and passions to earn a living! Pray for the job seekers currently in training courses or studying for tests. We want them to prepare effectively for new jobs.

Pray for the Immigration Legal Services Team. They provide legal information, counsel, and representation to people seeking justice and stability after arriving in the United States. Also, pray for people applying to be reunited with family members or seeking legal status to allow them to build lives in the United States for the long-term. Ask God that they have the opportunity to experience safety and lasting relationships. 

8. Praise God for churches and volunteers.

Join in praising God for the outpouring of support from churches, volunteers, and financial partners! They are making it possible for us to welcome so many new families! Volunteers, groups who construct Welcome Kits for new refugee families, and those who pray and give financially play an important role. They are encouraging, inspiring, and a vital part of creating communities where everyone can thrive.  

9. Praise God for partnership opportunities.

This year, we are thanking God for World Relief’s employer, organization, foundation, and church partners! Together, we make the biggest impact for immigrant and refugee families in Chicago and northern Illinois! Collaboration makes the biggest difference possible.  

10. Praise God for advocates.

World Relief’s Advocates play an important role in raising immigrant issues to the public eye! Because of that, we are thankful for those who speak up! We praise God for voices of hope, love, and belonging in our churches and communities!  

Join Us in Prayer

Father God, we thank you for providing for us. We ask that you would bless our immigrant and refugee neighbors. Meet their needs. Bring them comfort, joy, and peace. And use us as your hands and feet to show them your love. God, we thank you and praise you. Amen.

Thank you for joining World Relief Chicagoland in praying for our immigrant and refugee neighbors.

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