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Join Us in Praying for the People of Ukraine

 We grieve for our Ukrainian neighbors and pray for their safety.

As the situation in Ukraine is unfolding right before us, World Relief Triad invites you into a moment to pause and pray for the people affected right now and their families. We invite you to pray the entirety of this prayer or a portion of this prayer alongside the rest of the World Relief community. You can also use this prayer structure to guide additional prayers you may have for the people of Ukraine.

Will you join us in praying for peace?

A Prayer for the People of Ukraine

God, you are near to us. As a crisis begins to unfold in Ukraine, we feel heartbroken. Thank you for this opportunity to pause and pray in stillness for the people of Ukraine. We do not take this moment for granted. Allow us the courage to feel, pay attention, and wait on you.


We lift our prayer to you,

Lord, hear us.


God, we bring before you the people of Ukraine. We ask that each person may be safe and secure. We know that you are a God of perfect peace even when peace is far from the present reality. We ask that you meet the needs of those most deeply affected by this crisis.


We lift our prayer to you,

Lord hear us.


God, we ask you to be present with Ukrainian people scattered across the globe, including those in our communities, churches, and workplaces. We know that some are far from loved ones and fear greatly for friends and family. We believe you are with them. We ask that you help us to care for our Ukrainian neighbors well and that you would show them your love through us.


We lift our prayer to you,

Lord hear us.


God, we pray for families who are hurting. We pray for your love to be poured out and for families to experience unity in a tangible way that supersedes the problems between Ukraine and Russia. We pray for those who have already lost loved ones. We ask that you would be near to the brokenhearted and comfort those in need.


We lift our prayer to you,

Lord, hear us.


God, we pray for your peace and reconciliation to overcome conflict. You are actively involved in our cares and burdens. We ask that you move in a miraculous way and guide the minds of those who are making decisions that have an impact on countless lives. Help us to be agents of peace in our own communities.


We lift our prayer to you,

Lord, hear us.


God, we confess that we are limited in our ability to comprehend and understand fully what is going on in Ukraine. We ask that through your Holy Spirit you would call to mind particular ways we can pray for the people of Ukraine in the coming days and months. Grant us wisdom and discernment to call upon your name as we intercede.


We lift our prayer to you,

Lord, hear us.


God, you are a compassionate Father. Give us the courage to be people of compassion who do not give up on praying and caring for the people of Ukraine and all those affected. Above all, we pray for your peace to reign in Ukraine.


We lift our prayer to you,

Lord hear us.



Resources to Learn More

blue graphic with light blue imprint of Ukraine country with words Pray for Ukraine on foreground

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