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Prayer for Syria and Turkey After Devastating Earthquakes

Join World Relief Chicagoland in lifting up a prayer for Syria and Turkey. On February 6, 2023, two earthquakes caused enormous destruction. Currently, thousands of people have died and many thousands more are injured or missing. The process of rebuilding homes, businesses, and lives will take many years. 

Within our community at World Relief Chicagoland, this tragedy feels very close to home. Our staff have family members living in both Syria and Turkey who are grieving the loss of their own loved ones, homes, and the lives they once knew. We also serve refugees and immigrants who came to the U.S. from Syria and Turkey, leaving loved ones behind. 

We know that many of those impacted are among the most vulnerable – some are refugees who fled Syria for Turkey while others are persecuted minority groups or those in poverty.

Recovering from this devastation will be very difficult. 

As our community grieves, we invite you to join us in prayer for Syria and Turkey. Thank you for joining World Relief Chicagoland in asking God to bring an end to suffering and a reign of justice on the earth.  



In the face of unspeakable tragedy, the suffering of those in our community, and the destruction and loss of life in Syria and Turkey, we pray what the Psalmist wrote in Psalm 10: 

Lord, you know the hopes of the helpless. Surely, you will hear their cries and comfort them. You will bring justice to the orphans and the oppressed. 

Comfort the people whose family members and friends have died as a result of these earthquakes. Draw close to them. 

Equip believers in Syria and Turkey to show the love of Jesus to their neighbors by helping in tangible ways and sharing the hope of the Gospel.  

Inspire generosity in the hearts of people in the United States and across the world, prompting individuals to give the resources and money needed to help communities rebuild.  

Empower the Church in America to show radical love for our immediate neighbors who are grieving the loss of life, beauty, and peace in Syria and Turkey.  

Let us not turn away, but help us be your hands and feet to love those who are suffering and bear witness to your presence with them.  

God, hear our prayer. 


You Can Help

World Relief is responding to provide immediate assistance through our network of long-standing partners and churches in the region. You can help reach more people in need by responding with us today. Give now to rush help to Turkey and Syria.

Read a press release from World Relief regarding the earthquakes on February 6, 2023.

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