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Church Engagement

Who We Are

For over 75 years, World Relief has been an active presence around the world, working to seek restoration for those impacted by poverty, violence, and disaster. Our mission is centered on equipping the local church to serve the most vulnerable.

This means that our success is to help churches succeed in what Jesus is calling you to do: love your neighbor as yourself (Matt. 22:39) and to welcome the stranger (Matt. 25:35).

Ministry Resources

The Big Questions

You long to serve your congregation well, to effectively call and mobilize them for mission and launch them into lives committed to the most vulnerable.

How can you inspire your congregants to ‘Be The Church’ seven days a week? To go out into all the world as disciples? And how do you, as a leader, follow your call to move your church?

These are questions many of us grapple with daily. And finding the answers can often be incredibly challenging.

But here’s the good news. We understand, and we can help.

Take a look below for insight into how World Relief Memphis can come alongside you and your church!

7 Reasons We Believe The Church Can Change The World

We believe that when the church is mobilized to achieve its full potential, it has the power to change our world. We believe this because:

1. The local church is God’s plan to reveal his mercy, compassion and truth to people around the world.
2. The local church is the largest social network on the planet and has the ability, authority and permanency to do far more than any government institution or non-profit organization could.
3. The local church is led by local, trusted community leaders — those with an inside voice and understanding that no outside organization can bring.
4. The local church has the influence and moral authority to shape behaviors rooted in biblical values of love, compassion and justice.
5. The local church offers the greatest hope of reconciliation between classes, tribes, ethnicities and political parties, unifying people under a common identity in Christ.
6. The local church can restore dignity and bring hope to the suffering, forgotten and marginalized by reaching out to the most vulnerable in its community and answering God’s call to love.
7. The local church is empowered by the Holy Spirit to do more than human wisdom and efforts could ever possibly accomplish alone.

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Discipleship Impact

We are committed to the Great Commandment--to make disciples. We want to provide an environment for churches to help their people become more like Jesus by obeying his commands. As churches engage in supporting immigrants in their communities, mutual transformation takes place.

Immigrants are welcomed and uplifted by relationships with believers through which they experience Christ's love. Churches are likewise able to receive love and encouragement from their immigrant neighbors as they are oriented towards them holistically in their thinking, feeling, and action.

Partnership Journey

We want to link arms with your church as you pursue Christ-like welcome. Partnership is our way of providing resources, coaching, and opportunities for your church to grow from interest, to action, to ownership in building welcome where God has placed you!

Partnership Journey Action Grid (1)

Ready to learn more?

Schedule a meeting with Catherine Gross & Carter Brinkley, our Director of Church & Community Engagement, & Church Partnerships Manager.

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