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Why Choose Generosity?

Generosity can look like many things, but to a couple from Keller, TX, generosity looks like obeying the biblical mandate to care for the foreigner. Read what compels them to be generous.

Why Choose Generosity?

The Johnson’s* moved from College Station to Keller, Texas, in 2007 after graduating from Texas A&M. After several years of a successful career, they decided to sell their business, and wanted to donate from the proceeds towards a good cause. A few months earlier, their pastor had preached a sermon out of the book of Ruth, and addressed the Jewish laws and customs for taking care of widows, orphans, and the foreigner or displaced person. Afterwards, they knew they had to look at giving to organizations focused in these areas. “After that sermon we knew we needed to give back. Our thought was, what if we focused on what the Bible says we should really be doing?”

Mr. Johnson shared with us that “after researching organizations, World Relief North Texas stuck out as being really unique and were doing some really great things.” 

Continued Partnership 

Following many years of partnering with World Relief North Texas, the Johnson’s shared why they continue to partner with us. “I see what ya’ll are doing, I read the updates, and how personable you are with us. How you interact with partners is refreshing.” They have also been deeply impacted by the most recent crises in Ukraine and Afghanistan and see that World Relief North Texas is “helping these people and being the hands and feet of Jesus in a huge world crisis. We know our money is going towards that.” 

He also shared “I like that they work to empower refugees. They do not do everything for them, but teach them how to thrive in a new place. They empower those who have moved here.” 

Motivation for Generosity

What motivates this couple’s generosity is an understanding that what they have is not their own, it is provided by God. They understand that God has put them in a position where they have the means to do this and God has made it clear to them of what they are supposed to do. “This is not ours and we did not do anything to earn or deserve this. Why God chose to put us in this circumstance, I don’t know. But as Christians, we’re called to give, so that’s what we do.” 

To anyone who is considering partnering with World Relief North Texas in a similar way, the Johnson’s say “do it! The organization has always been very transparent with what they are doing, where the money is going, and how it is being used. They give regular updates on what is going on and the impact they are having. I would tell someone to just jump and go for it.” 

God Moves 

As they reflect on the ways God has moved in their own lives through giving to others, they shared that on more than one occasion, when they give, those they give to always come back and say “I had just prayed for this” or “this is the exact number we needed.” 

Mrs. Johnson shared her reflections with us; “That person praying specifically, God hearing that prayer, and us being obedient in what God has called us to do, it is what moves mountains. It’s a very clear picture to us of God’s sovereignty when you hear stories like that.” 

Generosity means being obedient to what God is calling us to do. It is all God’s money, time, or resources. It all belongs to God and “you can’t store it up here.”

Generosity means being obedient to what God is calling us to do. It is all God’s money, time, or resources. It all belongs to God and “you can’t store it up here.”

*Disclaimer: names changed for privacy reasons. 

Learn how you can get involved with World Relief North Texas HERE.

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