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A Prayer for Refugees

Every June, we at World Relief invite people like you to join us in honoring World Refugee Day. And we believe one important way we can walk alongside our refugee neighbors is through prayer. 

Prayer is a source of power and light in dark times. As we face the largest displacement crisis in recorded history with over 108 million displaced people and 35.3 million refugees worldwide, prayer is an essential part of our response. 

For me, prayer has been integral to my growth as a Christian. It has given clarity to big life decisions, healing to sicknesses and physical pain and it has been a practice of vulnerability and unity within Christian community. Prayer is the simplest act of being and communicating with God our Father. 

Will you join me today in his presence as we pray for refugees together?

Father, I still my heart and mind to focus on you. Speak, your child is listening.  

(Pause in silence and prayer) 

Read: “The Lord your God is supreme over all gods and over all powers. He is great and mighty, and he is to be obeyed. He does not show partiality, and he does not accept bribes. He makes sure that orphans and widows are treated fairly; he loves the foreigners who live with our people, and gives them food and clothes. So then, show love for those foreigners, because you were once foreigners in Egypt.” — Deuteronomy 10: 17-19 (GNT)

How wonderful and powerful you are, Lord. Help me to reflect you and love like you.  

(Pause in silence and prayer) 

Today, I pray for those who are vulnerable and who may not be able to see your might and presence in their lives at this moment. I pray for those fleeing violence, wars and persecution; be their guide and comfort. For the millions of refugees around the world, waiting for justice and a new home.  

(Pause in silence and prayer) 

I pray for my city and community. May it be a place of safety, support and solace for those in distress. 

(Pause in silence and prayer) 

Lord, I think about our nation’s leaders and government. May they use their positions of power to work towards justice and righteousness.  

(Pause in silence and prayer) 

I pray for your church, that it would be a city on a hill, shining bright as a beacon for all who seek a new and better way.  

(Pause in silence and prayer) 

Lastly, I stand firm, covered with the armor of God, and pray against the work of the enemy, who comes to kill, steal and destroy.  

(Pause in silence and prayer) 

I offer this prayer to you and declare that yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen. 

Want to learn more about refugees and how you can celebrate their lives and stories this World Refugee Day?

Nou Huse works at World Relief as the U.S. Good Neighbor Team (GNT) Program Coordinator. She formerly served as the Volunteer and GNT Coordinator at World Relief Fox Valley. Before joining the World Relief team, she lived seven years abroad working in education and serving in urban missions. She aims to act justly, love mercy and walk humbly with God in all things. 

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