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Confronting Conflict with Humanity and Hope

July 19, 2024 | Comments Off on Confronting Conflict with Humanity and Hope

Learn how we’re leaning into humanitarian principles to make a difference in the Israel-Gaza crisis.

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How to Change a Broken World

November 8, 2018

We get it. And trust us when we say, we feel it too. This video is for you… Music:…

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Frontline Report: International Day of the Girl Child

October 11, 2018

I grew up in the Democratic Republic of Congo, where at the time, my parents were serving as missionaries. My best friends were girls from local families.

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Standing in the Gap

October 3, 2018

In Ezekiel 22:30, the prophet says on behalf of God, “I looked for anyone to repair the wall and stand in the gap for me on behalf of the land, so I wouldn’t have to destroy it. But I couldn’t find anyone.”

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Frontline Report: The Border

September 6, 2018

Ted Oswald, World Relief Sacramento’s Immigration Legal Services staff attorney, and Kevin Woehr, DOJ Accredited Representative with World Relief DuPage/Aurora, recently returned from Tijuana, Mexico as part of a team comprised of World Relief staff from across the U.S. advising asylum seekers at the border. Lea este artículo en Español, Aquí.

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Reporte de Primera Línea: Reflexiones desde la Frontera

September 6, 2018

Ted Oswald, un abogado de la oficina de Servicios Legales de Immigracion en World Relief Sacramento, recientemente regreso de Tijuana, Mexico como parte de un equipo compuesto de personal de World Relief de todos los EE. UU. asesorando a los solicitantes de asilo en la frontera.

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Frontline Report: Democratic Republic of Congo

August 27, 2018

The Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). Referred to affectionately as the Heart of Africa; rich in resource, culture and beauty. The nation has some of the greatest concentrations of valuable raw minerals in the world, and Eastern Congo, in particular, is fertile and ripe for agricultural development.

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