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How to Advocate on Behalf of Refugees

Your voice is needed now more than ever.

On Friday, January 27, the new presidential administration issued an executive order that suspends the Refugee Resettlement Program for 120 days, cuts the United States’ current commitment to refugee arrivals by over half, and bans Syrian refugee arrivals for an indefinite period of time (with other nationalities potentially on the line).

We need an outpouring of signatures, calls, and emails to your elected officials to say that this is not OK.

Would you do the following 3 things?

1. Sign a petition.
Sign and share this petition expressing solidarity with refugees.

2. Contact elected officials.
Email your elected officials here and call your U.S. Senators and U.S. Representatives by dialing 1-866-940-2439. Once connected, you can share:

  • Your name, city, and state

  • Your support for the U.S. Refugee Resettlement Program

  • One or two reasons why you personally believe in welcoming refugees

Another great way to make your voice heard is by commenting on White House Facebook posts or submitting a message at

3. Use social media
Use the links below to tweet the following message to President Trump, The White House, and your senators and representatives.

My community stands with ALL refugees! The U.S. should continue to resettle #refugees! #wewelcomerefugees

Tweet @realDonaldTrump
Tweet @WhiteHouse
Tweet your senators
Tweet your representatives

Below, please watch a short video of Jenny Yang, World Relief VP of Advocacy and Policy, recorded shortly before last week’s executive order.

  A message from World Relief VP of Advocacy and Policy, Jenny Yang.

Thank you for taking a stand at this critical time. Your voice is going to make a difference!

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