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At World Relief our mission is to empower the local church to serve the most vulnerable.

Founded in the aftermath of World War II, we are a global Christian humanitarian organization that partners with local churches and communities to develop sustainable, locally-driven solutions to some of our world's most urgent problems.

We've been doing this work for 80 years in more than 100 countries. We're glad you're here, and we're eager to tell you more.

In 2022,


women, men and children served

volunteers equipped

churches mobilized

Our Mission:

World Relief's mission is to empower the local church to serve the most vulnerable.

Our Vision:

In community with the local church, we envision the most vulnerable transformed, socially, economically and spiritually.

What makes us different?

Church & Community Partnerships   -   Holistic Approaches   -   Interconnected Solutions

What makes us different?

Church & Community Partnerships   -   Holistic Approaches   -   Interconnected Solutions

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Church & Community Partnerships

No other international humanitarian organization engages local faith leaders like we do. We believe that God has a plan to save our broken world, and the heart of that plan is his church and his people leading the way. Working with these community leaders is not only a good strategy, it's truly the most sustainable and transformative way to create change that lasts. We want to see the global church creating and leading change in their communities so the work can continue long after we depart.

Read more about this kind of partnership in Rwanda.


Holistic Approaches

We believe in transformation of the whole person - mind, body and spirit. That's why our programs focus on addressing the root causes of vulnerability that are often unseen. Beyond physical change, we focus on driving mental, social and spiritual transformation. We know that lasting change requires more than quick fixes and band-aid solutions, and that by going deep to uncover systemic issues, we can create change that lasts.


Interconnected Solutions

We see the world's greatest challenges as not only deeply connected, but inextricably linked. We take a global, whole-picture view that addresses the greatest needs of those we serve in every context along every step of their journey, from a refugee camp in Sudan to an employment office in Memphis. We operate both "here and there," with interconnected solutions and wrap-around care that has true power to create change that lasts.


Myal Greene

Alexis Brown

Kevin Sanderson


Dick Oyieko


At World Relief, we are committed to prayerful, efficient and thoughtful stewardship of every donation. When you invest in us, you can trust not only that your resources are being directed to the right places, but also that those resources are being used in the smartest, most efficient ways possible due to the collective expertise of our organization.

Ready To Get Involved?

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