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Pray, Educate and Empower: 3 Ways You Can Abolish Modern-Day Slavery

There are more than 20 million slaves today. That’s more than 20 million human lives that are being exploited, abused and neglected. These victims of human trafficking are forced into prostitution or coerced to do hard labor with little to no pay. It’s prevalent in many countries around the world, including the US where it’s estimated that hundreds of thousands of people are trafficked into forced labor or the sex trade each year. But in spite of the enormity of this abuse and neglect of God’s creation, there is significant hope. Churches, organizations and volunteers throughout the US are on the front lines combatting this injustice with the power and love of Jesus Christ. And as we observe National Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month in the US, we want you to join us at World Relief as we empower the vulnerable to overcome one of the worst tragedies of our time.

Here are three simple ways you can be a part of this movement to end modern-day slavery:

  1. Pray – one of the most powerful tools we have as Christians is prayer. God’s powerful response to the prayer of a righteous person knows no bounds (James 5). Join our partners at Faith Alliance Against Slavery and Trafficking on January 10 at 6 PM EST to pray for freedom.
  2. Educate – Know the realities of the problems and the solutions. To learn more about the facts, figures and stories of human trafficking, visit here. And don’t keep this to yourself, but share the knowledge with friends, small groups and others in your community – our impact is stronger when we’re united.
  3. Empower – To empower victims and survivors of modern-day slavery, you can either invest financially at or you can give your time and skills by helping survivors recover. For more information about volunteer opportunities, check out

The problem is enormous, but as followers of Jesus Christ who gives freedom from bondage, we have the solution to bring an end to modern-day slavery.

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