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6 Ways You Can Help Syrian Refugees Today


You’ve read the statistics. You’ve seen the images. And you’ve heard the stories of the Syrian refugee crisis. But you haven’t known what you can do to help.

You are not alone.

March 16, 2018 marked the seven year anniversary of the initial conflict in Syria that has led to a refugee crisis of historic proportions. The numbers are staggering—half of the population of Syria has fled the country, and 5.6 million people now live as refugees in neighboring countries. Yet recent research shows that individuals and churches are struggling to engage the crisis in a meaningful way.

While the reasons for this lack of engagement vary, one reason is that many people simply don’t know how to engage. A problem as complex as the Syrian refugee crisis can be hard to get your head around, let alone know what you can do about it.

Because of this, we at World Relief have tried to provide specific, straight-forward opportunities for each of us to help meet the immediate and long term needs of our Syrian friends and other refugees in the Middle East.

  1. Help refugees rebuild their lives in the U.S. Join the campaign today.

  2. Make a one-time donation to our work with refugees in the Middle East and here in the United States. Our partner churches and organizations are already in place, distributing welcome kits to newly displaced refugees, creating child friendly spaces for children displaced by conflict, providing psychosocial counseling to traumatized women and helping refugees arriving to the U.S. become independent and integrated in their new country.

  3. Watch and listen to four leaders share their unique perspectives about making a difference in the lives of refugees in the U.S. and around the world.

  4. Volunteer at a World Relief U.S. office. Help us meet the needs of refugees by providing compassionate and holistic care from the moment they arrive at the airport through their journey to self-sufficiency.

  5. Continue to learn more about the crisis. This list of resources provided by We Welcome Refugees is a great place to start.

  6. Pray. Download a prayer guide that guides you through a week of daily prayers for refugees.

No single one of us can solve a problem as vast as the Syrian refugee crisis. But every single one of us can do something. Today, may each of us choose to engage—to provide help where help is needed—in some meaningful way.

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