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Four Ways You Can Make a Difference Today

Looking for something you can do today to make a difference in the world? Here’s four:

1. Write for Refugees

Last month, World Relief partnered with ONE and Save the Children to collect handwritten notes from attendees of Together 2016, the largest Christian gathering of its kind in over 20 years. Hundreds of notes were written to encourage President Obama to continue welcoming refugees to the United States. One of the notes was even personally delivered to the President! We’re continuing to collect notes to deliver to the President later this fall. Add your voice to the growing number of people standing with refugees.

Write a message to President Obama

2. Pray for South Sudan

On July 9, new violence broke out stationed in South Sudan, a country which is now on the brink of civil war. A World Relief team member in South Sudan shared his firsthand account of the unfolding situation, along with prayer requests for safety and peace in this vulnerable nation.

Read update & pray

3. Learn About the Global Refugee Crisis

This month also saw the release of Seeking Refuge: On the Shores of the Global Refugee Crisis, co-authored by Stephan Bauman, Matthew Soerens and Issam Smeir. We’re thrilled so many people have read the book! Download a free chapter and begin learning how you can better engage the global refugee crisis.

Download a free chapter of Seeking Refuge now

4. Practice Courage and Leadership

We’re grateful for those around the world who are practicing courage and leadership, and honored to share their stories. This month on our blog, we shared about those who are welcoming refugees, delivering food to families on the front lines of war, and seeking to establish God’s kingdom in their daily lives. Hearing their stories, we’re moved to practice courage and leadership in our own spheres of influence.

Read stories of courage & leadership

[This blog post originally appeared as an update to subscribers of our email newsletter. If you’d like to receive regular email updates from us, please subscribe for free today.]

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