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Why World Relief Chicagoland Staff Are Thankful This Year

World Relief Staff

As we approach the end of the year and the start of the holiday season, many of us take time to reflect on the year behind us. We consider what we have to be thankful for. For some, the previous year was difficult, full of hard things and grief. That might make this holiday season feel painful or bittersweet. For others, this year has seen immense change or big life milestones.

Yes, practicing gratitude in the face of suffering and change is difficult. And yet, reflecting on what we have to be grateful for can help us be more hopeful as we seek joy and practice thankfulness.

At World Relief Chicagoland, we have seen God’s faithfulness in countless ways. Even amid big challenges and sad events, there is much to be grateful for. Because of that, we asked staff to share what they are thankful for this year. And the responses were inspiring! Join us in practicing gratitude today and read our staff’s testimonies below.

We believe that there are so many reasons to give thanks! Join us in counting your blessings. As a result, you might even see God’s grace and goodness in your life in new ways.

What are you thankful for this year?

I am grateful for trusting relationships with the people we serve and the chance to speak Swahili with some of them. I am also thankful to have friends among my coworkers and for the vibrant neighborhood and friends in Albany Park where our Chicago office is located, an office cube to make into a hospitable space, and the opportunity to worship each morning at our 8:30 prayer time.

– Katelyn Skye Bennett, Employment Counselor

I am grateful to work on a team that is passionate about serving refugees and other immigrants in learning English so that the students can fully integrate into the community and workplace.

– Mary Cerutti, Education Director, Suburbs

This year, I am grateful for the opportunity to be part of the World Relief family. I have felt welcomed and challenged to grow in my walk with God during morning prayer and words of encouragement from coworkers. I am so thankful to form part of a Christ-centered organization that supports and empowers the immigrant and refugee community through a holistic and sustainable approach while exemplifying the love of Christ.

– Brenda De Leon, Immigration Legal Services Paralegal

Welcoming our new neighbors…

Reflecting on 2021, I’m thankful that so many churches and volunteers are standing with us as we welcome arriving families and build community with immigrants and refugees who are already living in our neighborhoods and communities.

– Sara Aardema, Church and Volunteer Engagement Director, Chicago

One thing that I am grateful for is to work in an office when I can freely mention Jesus and prayer. I am also thankful that every day, I get to go to work and make a difference in someone’s life. Being the hands and feet of Jesus is priceless.

– Isoken Aiwerioba, Office Manager

I am grateful for the partnership with churches across Chicagoland, which are contributing to the reach of our God-given work in building and creating communities of love and welcome! Thank you, churches, for being the hands and feet of Jesus to strangers!

– Adrian Hendarta, Church Mobilization Coordinator

Making an impact, together…

Reflecting on 2021, I am grateful to work in a place where people make a difference and impact other people’s lives in the community and all around the world. World Relief has been an answered prayer in my life, and in many people’s lives. It is a blessing to be part of this work.

– Andrea Rodriguez, Immigration Legal Services Administrative Assistant

I am grateful for the foundation partners who believe in creating a brighter future and investing in their communities. That vision inspires me and reminds me that by working together, we really can create just and welcoming communities where everyone thrives.

– Carrie Woodward, Foundations Partnerships Manager

This year, I am so grateful for the incredible outpouring of love from our church partners. I am thankful for their strong interest in volunteering, generous giving, and inspiring their members to engage.

– Keith Draper, Church and Volunteer Engagement Director, DuPage & Aurora

What are YOU grateful for?

Thank you for reading what World Relief Chicagoland staff are grateful for! Now, spend some time thinking about the blessings in your life and work. What are those things that you are thankful for?

Finally, share your reflections with us! We want to hear from you! Please share what you are grateful for by tagging @WorldReliefChicagoland on Facebook or @WRChicagoland on Instagram or Twitter.

10 Timely Ways to Pray This Fall

Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances.  

– 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 

As an organization motivated by Christian faith to serve those in vulnerable situations, World Relief Chicagoland believes in the power of prayer to transform lives and communities. This fall, will you join the community of staff, church partners, and individuals praying for lasting change as we walk alongside immigrants and refugees?  

Prayers and Praises

1. Pray for the new school year.

With a new school year underway, pray for the success of all the students in school. That includes the young people who recently arrived in the United States and are attending school here for the very first time! Additionally, you can also ask God to bless the students returning for another year. We desire that they all feel supported, find belonging, and gain the knowledge they need to reach their goals. 

2. Pray for refugee arrivals.

As World Relief Chicagoland, along with people like you, prepares to welcome 700 refugees to Chicagoland from all over the world starting this fall, praise God for this significant increase in arrivals! With so many new people coming, you can also pray for a smooth resettlement process for all the arriving families and individuals. Pray that we will serve them well.

3. Pray for Afghan evacuees.

In addition to the 700 refugees, World Relief Chicagoland will welcome an additional 150 people from Afghanistan in need of support. Ask God for them to receive a warm welcome from World Relief volunteers, donors, and the surrounding community. And pray for those in Afghanistan. Many are still seeking to leave the country in search of safety. And they have family here who are worried for them! You can ask that all feel comfort and peace and that families be reunited.

4. Pray for English learners.

Pray for World Relief Chicagoland’s Education Team, who are enrolling new English language learners in classes this fall. You can pray for those who are in beginner or career-focused English classes to improve their skills. Because we want all people to build community, we want to see them use their English skills to build relationships! Also, pray that they find satisfaction and success in the learning process and do not become discouraged.

5. Pray for asylum seekers.

This fall, we are connecting churches with families seeking asylum. These new relationships can be transformational for everyone involved, so ask that God help friendships form and for the financial and relational support that churches provide to make a lasting impact.  

6. Pray for job searchers.

World Relief’s Employment Team works hard to help individuals find careers where they will thrive. We want them to use their gifts, skills, and passions to earn a living! Pray for the job seekers currently in training courses or studying for tests. We want them to prepare effectively for new jobs.

Pray for the Immigration Legal Services Team. They provide legal information, counsel, and representation to people seeking justice and stability after arriving in the United States. Also, pray for people applying to be reunited with family members or seeking legal status to allow them to build lives in the United States for the long-term. Ask God that they have the opportunity to experience safety and lasting relationships. 

8. Praise God for churches and volunteers.

Join in praising God for the outpouring of support from churches, volunteers, and financial partners! They are making it possible for us to welcome so many new families! Volunteers, groups who construct Welcome Kits for new refugee families, and those who pray and give financially play an important role. They are encouraging, inspiring, and a vital part of creating communities where everyone can thrive.  

9. Praise God for partnership opportunities.

This year, we are thanking God for World Relief’s employer, organization, foundation, and church partners! Together, we make the biggest impact for immigrant and refugee families in Chicago and northern Illinois! Collaboration makes the biggest difference possible.  

10. Praise God for advocates.

World Relief’s Advocates play an important role in raising immigrant issues to the public eye! Because of that, we are thankful for those who speak up! We praise God for voices of hope, love, and belonging in our churches and communities!  

Join Us in Prayer

Father God, we thank you for providing for us. We ask that you would bless our immigrant and refugee neighbors. Meet their needs. Bring them comfort, joy, and peace. And use us as your hands and feet to show them your love. God, we thank you and praise you. Amen.

Thank you for joining World Relief Chicagoland in praying for our immigrant and refugee neighbors.

Afghan Resettlement Q&A with Executive Director Susan Sperry

As you likely saw in the news, US troops have withdrawn from Afghanistan, leaving many questions as to what happens next. We want to share with you how World Relief Chicagoland is responding and how you can help. To help answer some of these questions, we sat down with Susan Sperry, Executive Director of World Relief Chicagoland in a Q&A to explain what’s happening.

Q&A About Afghan Evacuation

What happens now that U.S. troops have withdrawn from Afghanistan?

Even though the US military is no longer present in Afghanistan, World Relief Chicagoland will continue to advocate for the evacuation of Afghan allies and their families. Just as any of us would flee an unsafe environment, we anticipate that those at risk will seek every available opportunity to leave Afghanistan. 

We know that thousands of Afghans were evacuated so far. And they are arriving in one of two ways. For those who have yet to complete a full security screening, they are initially going to an external location like Qatar, before arriving in the United States in order to complete the security requirements of the United States.  For those that already have been screened and approved as a refugee or received a Special Immigrant Visa (see footnotes), they are coming directly to the United States. As they arrive, many families receive initial orientation at US military bases prior to being connected to resettlement organizations like World Relief Chicagoland. 

How many Afghans do you expect to arrive in Chicagoland?  

Currently, we are preparing to welcome 150 Afghans in the weeks and months ahead. Some Afghans will have refugee status, others with Special Immigrant Visas, and others under humanitarian parole (see footnotes). These new neighbors would be in addition to the 700+ refugees from all over the world we are preparing to welcome this coming fiscal year (October 1, 2021, to September 31, 2022.)  

Can you share more about refugees, Special Immigrant Visa holders (SIVs), and humanitarian parolees? How does each status impact an Afghan’s access to resettlement support?  

It is important to remember that all the Afghan people coming are fleeing for the same reasons; they fear retaliation for their support of the US Military, their religious affiliation, gender, or human rights activity. They also need the same support when they arrive in the United States; housing, food, connections with a job, English language support, school connections, healthcare, and other vital services. At World Relief, we plan to assist all Afghans we resettle with these vital services. We expect this group in particular to need additional support.

How can I make the biggest impact?   

The biggest impact you can have is through engaging for the long term. We are at the beginning of a large-scale emergency response with long-term realities. We know it takes many years for refugees to rebuild their lives. And we expect that this will be no different for those arriving from Afghanistan. They have experienced such recent trauma and loss! Because of that, they will need our community’s support, both now and in the years to come. 

What are the volunteer opportunities?

We expect the need for volunteers will grow in the months and years ahead. That is because we expect to resettle refugees from Afghanistan as well as other countries. Volunteers can support as English tutors, friendship partners, helping with transportation, and more. We believe that everyone has a part to play in building a welcoming community. Our website is the best place to start the volunteer journey.

Because we are working to connect everyone with a way to serve, we ask for your patience if it takes a little longer than usual due to the abundant responses we’re receiving. And we are so grateful for that!  As arrivals of Afghans and other refugees increase over the weeks and months ahead, we expect these opportunities to serve will also increase.

What can be done now?  

Building Welcome Kits, financial partnership, and advocacy are significant ways that you can help now.  Gather a group from you church, family, or community to host a donation drive. Encourage friends and family to give. And join advocacy efforts. You can learn more about this here. 

Where do I go to learn more, give, or get involved?  

The best way for you to engage with World Relief is to visit

This page shares opportunities for churches, volunteers, financial partnership, and more, and has links to helpful resources. It’s the best place for you to learn more about World Relief’s response! And to learn ways you can make the biggest impact.  

Helpful Definitions

A refugee: someone forced to flee because of persecution, war, or violence. A refugee has a well-founded fear of persecution for reasons of race, religion, nationality, political opinion, or membership in a particular social group. Most likely, they cannot return home or are afraid to do so. War and ethnic, tribal, and religious violence are leading reasons why refugees flee. In the United States, UNHCR, the U.S. Government, and organizations like World Relief work together to ensure refugees receive access to benefits and other resources as they rebuild their lives.  

Humanitarian Parole: a status granted to someone who is eligible to come to the United States on a temporary basis due to an emergency. This allows the individual time to pursue Permanent Legal Resident status in the United States.  

What does SIV mean/what is an SIV? The Afghan Special Immigrant Visa (SIV) program was established under the Afghan Allies Protection Act of 2009. The intention of the program is to facilitate the expedited visa processing of Afghans whose lives were threatened as a result of their service alongside the US military. There are currently about 18,000 Afghan SIV applicants waiting to be processed and 53,000 family members in need of protection.

Thanks for reading this Q&A with Susan Sperry! Learn more about Afghan resettlement and how you can get involved here.

Double Your Impact for Those Fleeing Afghanistan

Because of your generosity, we were able to meet our matching gift in 48 hours! Thank you! You are helping to transform the lives of our Afghan neighbors.

Your donations are helping bringing hope, healing and restoration right here in Chicagoland. And right now, you can double your impact.

Double Your Impact

Dollar for dollar, your donation to World Relief Chicagoland will be matched up to


Check out the “why” behind the opportunity you have to double your impact by donating today.

Q: What inspired you to give?

A: In the early 2000s, we worked in Afghanistan, alongside many Afghans, and were floored by their warm hearts and open hospitality. The Afghans we met wanted the same things we want: education for their children, opportunities for work, and good healthcare, and it’s clear that they were striving to build a country where this would be possible. What’s happening now in Afghanistan is heartbreaking, and it’s our turn to open our hearts to the Afghan people. May our home be theirs as well.

Our hearts ache for those in Afghanistan – those who are in danger, those who are afraid, and those who are hurting.

The situation in Afghanistan is complex, and you might have more questions. If you want to learn more, volunteer, or donate specific items, please visit Helping our Afghan Allies. This is an urgent need, but with your help, we can welcome these new neighbors and help them rebuild their lives.

*Donations made through our online donation form will be matched dollar for dollar.

Volunteer Impact Video: Abdul and Yao

As a trained nurse and child development worker from a country in West Africa, Yao came to the United States on a scholarship to gain further education in psychology and counseling. He brought those skills to his work as a volunteer tutor with World Relief, where he met a little boy named Abdul who changed everything.

Watch a Volunteer Impact Story

Yao and Abdul only had a few tutoring sessions before the COVID-19 pandemic hit. But then, in the midst of the crisis, World Relief’s community of volunteers and donors like you came together to respond.

In a coordinated effort, World Relief provided a way forward. For the community to provide tangible needs. For Yao and Abdul’s tutoring sessions to continue. To connect Abdul’s mother to an English tutor. And to help Abdul’s father secure a new job doing electrical assembly for air conditioners. You can read Abdul and Yao’s full story here.

Abdul’s family faces a long road ahead. But a volunteer tutor and the generosity of other donors and volunteers is helping them slowly rebuild. Eventually, they will regain their sense of home. Their sense of belonging.

When World Relief matches tutors and students, it is with a firm belief that not only will the student’s life and education will improve, but the tutor will be transformed too. The stories of volunteers like Yao are examples of that transformation.

When you volunteer with World Relief, you gain the chance to connect. You can extend a warm welcome to someone different from you. You might be surprised by what you learn from the hospitality you receive in return.

Staff Stories: Ordinary Moments & the Power of Thank You

There are many tasks that face us each new day. And how often do we pause to appreciate the ordinary moments. Or to say “thank you”?

For example, maybe you are someone who makes a weekly to-do list to keep everything organized. When you take time to go over your calendar and prepare for the week, what does your schedule look like?

Those of us who are immigrants and who are native-born often have the same everyday, ordinary tasks– a meeting with our child’s school, a doctor’s appointment, bills to pay, going on a walk with a friend, or running to the grocery store.

Catherine Norquist (World Relief Chicagoland Regional Immigration Legal Services Director) reflects on how our priorities (or even tasks) shape us and the power of two simple words – “thank you.”

An Everyday Email

I got the email from a former client inquiring if she could come to see me. I immediately thought she wanted help with another immigration matter, so I quickly referred her to our front desk Admin person to schedule a consultation with another practitioner.

She replied to my email to clarify that she wanted to come and see me. She wanted to thank me in person.

I looked up her name because I had to remember what process we worked on together. I realized she was a citizenship client from almost a year earlier. We met on Zoom and went through the 20-minute legal screening process to determine her eligibility and then took the remaining 30 minutes to fill out the forms she needed to apply for her U.S. citizenship. I noted that she had previously gotten her green card through being a victim of domestic violence. We didn’t discuss her past because it wasn’t relevant to what we were doing, and I remember her being very kind. All I spent with her was one hour.

A few weeks later, she came to sign the documents and bring her money order for $725 since she didn’t qualify for a fee waiver. That was it.

I didn’t talk to her again as our Citizenship Coordinator followed up with her until she received her oath date. But she came back.

Returning to Say Two Words

She came back to say thank you in person at the end of a pandemic. She took the time and effort to come. I’m sure her life is filled with many things to do, and yet she stopped and took the time; time in the midst of a busy culture where I often hear in my head or I  verbally say, “I don’t have time!”

Yet she still came, she still took the time. It left me asking myself how I do or do not show gratitude to those who have impacted my life? Have I taken the time? Will I take the time?

She inspired me. I want to be like her in the courageous act of taking time to stop and pause in a moment of gratitude, possibly get a card and maybe a small gift, and actually go see someone in person (if possible) to say two simple words –“thank you.”

Thankfulness & To-Do Lists

Like most people, this woman likely had a long list of tasks to complete, places to be, and people to see. Yet she chose to prioritize visiting World Relief so that she could share her gratitude because being thankful is a value she has.

It is often in these ordinary moments that transformation takes place but we often miss them. What would it take to shift our perspective throughout the day to take notice of these small moments? How could we grow as a community if we lean into this challenge?

Next time you go over your calendar or tasks list, ask yourself “How I can prioritize showing gratitude to someone in my life?” or “What are some ordinary ways that I can make a difference today?”.

It is in the everyday moments that we build a more welcoming community, a community where immigrants and native-born grow and thrive together. When you volunteer with World Relief Chicagoland, you get to be a part of these ordinary, life-changing moments.

A Refugee’s Journey to Belonging: Jerome’s Story

Video of Jerome

In May of 2022, Jerome graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Social Work!!! We celebrate Jerome and his accomplishments!

“What’s going to happen to me? Who’s going to receive me? How am I going to live?” These were all questions asked by World Relief staff member, Jerome Bizimana, featured in the video below.

Jerome became a U.S. citizen after his struggle to escape hate and violence.

At times it felt like a hopeless quest for peace. How did he persevere? How did he rebuild his life in the United States and overcome challenges along the way? Watch this video interview with Jerome to find out. And listen to his words to become a witness of Jerome’s journey to belonging.

Refugee Resettlement

For more than 40 years, World Relief has worked to resettle refugees and create communities of welcome throughout Chicagoland. You can be part of this important work welcoming new neighbors like Jerome! Learn about World Relief Chicagoland’s work resettling refugees here and watch other videos of hope on our YouTube channel!

The journey is long. But together, we can create communities of belonging where everyone can thrive. Will you join this movement of peace alongside people like Jerome?

More like this:

Volunteer Impact Video: Abdul and Yao

Watch: Welcome Begins with You

4 Ways to Read, Watch, and Listen to Powerful Immigrant and Refugee Stories

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