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Efoe Davis: Resettlement Through the Eyes of a Caseworker

Seattle Blog on Refugee Resettlement

Efoe Davis is a caseworker at World Relief Western Washington in our King County office, who regularly meets with individuals and families as they transition to their new life in the U.S. Here, he shares the joys and challenges of resettlement from his vantage point:

The Challenges

On December 20, 2021, I greeted a family of seven from Afghanistan: a mother, father, and five children. They had just arrived in the U.S., and I was their caseworker. After fleeing Afghanistan, they spent time on a U.S. military base as the lengthy paperwork was processed. They finally arrived in Washington and a new community, yet had experienced so much uncertainty, trauma, and waiting in the process. I see a lot of grief and pain in the people I work alongside.

Language and communication are just two elements that can be very challenging as a family resettles in the U.S. This family and I worked so hard to communicate about questions, concerns, tasks like grocery shopping, and how to navigate resources. One of the kids speaks some English, the rest only speak Dari, so we used interpreters when we could, and also lots of translation apps!

Another challenge for families when they first arrive is finding permanent housing, especially for larger families. How do you find a home before you have a job? How do you find a job without a permanent address? How do you find an affordable three-bedroom apartment in King County? These are the types of challenges people face when they arrive, and I get to help them navigate these questions as they work toward self-sufficiency.

The Joys

When this family first arrived, they stayed in two different Airbnbs and a hotel before we found permanent housing last month. As a caseworker, I’ve been surprised and encouraged by how community members have been so supportive and kind. During this family’s stay at their first Airbnb, the owner frequently checked in on them to see if they needed anything. And when a snowstorm hit, she asked if they needed warmer clothes. With their resounding “yes,” she gathered some community support and helped them find the clothes they wanted.

Some of her neighbors got connected to World Relief after that, and are now supporting refugee resettlement through financial donations. Seeing how invested people are in this work reminds me that there are people in the world who have genuine hearts and are willing to do anything to help others in need. It felt like a spiritual connection to have this family at the Airbnb and to know that they (and I!) had the support of the community.

No Two Alike

Each case I work with is so unique. In my experience as a resettlement caseworker, I have seen a wide variety of families. Some are extremely easy-going, open-minded, and able to adapt quickly. Other families come with high expectations and very specific ideas of how they want things to go. But everyone arrives with some experiences of trauma and loss.

Sometimes, I receive praise and gratitude from people, and sometimes people yell at me or are verbally aggressive when things don’t go their way. People come with so many different experiences, personalities, histories, and expectations. I think part of my role is just to be with people as they are, and not force them into a box of how I think they should be or act.

As an immigrant myself, I understand the difficulties of resettling in a new place, especially when language is a barrier to progress or communication. I feel very grateful to help so many families coming here for the first time to find a home, a community, and a new and better life. I am also grateful for this community and the ways you have made resettlement just a little bit easier for these families.

– Efoe Davis, World Relief Caseworker

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8 Things You Need To Know About the Ukrainian Refugee Crisis

8 Things You Need To Know About the Ukrainian Refugee Crisis

A full-scale invasion of Ukraine is underway. More than 10 million Ukrainian women, men and children have been forced to flee their homes, nearly 4 million of whom have fled to other countries. Together, we can respond. 

World Relief is currently working with partners on the ground in Romania, Slovakia, Poland, Moldova and Western Ukraine to provide lodging, medical assistance, food and other basic necessities to those who have fled. As the situation continues to unfold, we are committed to keeping you updated and informed. Read on to learn more about what’s happening in Ukraine, the growing refugee crisis and what you can do to help.

Updated on March 29, 2022

1. What’s going on in Ukraine and why are people fleeing?

Russian-Ukrainian tension has existed since the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991, when the then largest country in the world suddenly collapsed into 15 smaller European nations, including Ukraine. At the time, Vladimir Putin, now president of Russia, called the collapse ​​the “greatest geopolitical catastrophe of the 20th century.” Since the fall, Putin has desired to reclaim the lost territory, which he sees as “a single whole.” 

Today, threatened by the expansion of Western influence and Ukraine’s desire to join NATO — The North Atlantic Treaty Organization — Russia feels a greater need and urgency than ever to exert and protect its influence in the region. The last month saw a huge troop buildup along Ukrainian borders, and on Thursday, February 24th, 2022, Russia launched a full-scale invasion of the nation. Civilian targets are not being spared, as indiscriminate bombing has damaged residential buildings, hospitals, schools and crucial infrastrcuture that supplies heat, water and electricity to citizens. 

As of March 29th, nearly  4 million refugees have  fled across neighboring borders. This number is estimated to grow to over seven million during the coming weeks and months.

2. Where are people going? What’s happening at the borders?

Most Ukrainians are fleeing for their closest border with neighboring European countries. The sudden wave of people gathering at border crossings has created large humanitarian needs. These locations are in urgent need of basic necessities including water, food, heat and shelter as the wait at the border for processing can take three to four days. As of March 29th, Poland has been the primary recipient of refugees, with over  2.3 million refugees crossing. Other countries that are seeing large numbers* of refugees are:

  • Hungary 359,197
  • Moldova 385,222
  • Slovakia 278,238
  • Romania 602,461
  • Russia 271,254
  • Belarus 9,875

Additionally, nearly 6.5 million Ukrainians remain displaced inside Ukraine.

*These numbers reflect reports as of March 29th, 2022.

3. Who is fleeing?

Tragically, it is mostly women and children who are crossing the borders alone. Men between the ages of 18-60 have been asked by Ukrainian President Zelensky to stay behind to join the defense forces. This means women and children are leaving home without their husbands, fathers and brothers. This is also resulting in grave concerns about security and protection as many young women and children without adult guardians are crossing unaccompanied without money or visas, making them extremely susceptible to sexual violence, exploitation and trafficking. UNICEF, IOM and others are mobilizing protection units to be spread along the border crossings.

4. There has been talk of discrimination at the border. What’s going on there?

There is a large concern about third-country nationals — citizens of other countries who were in Ukraine at the time war began. Many were students studying in Ukraine from Africa. Initial reports indicated that many of these individuals were not being permitted to cross the border out of Ukraine to Poland with others, and were actually barricaded for a time in shelters without basic expected facilities. Furthermore, many others without documentation (passports, etc.) were simply refused shelter and instead temporarily detained. After swift international media concern, this problem seems to have been resolved and officials are now allowing everyone to enter Poland regardless of ethnicity, refugee status or documentation.

5. Are there any policies in place in the E.U. and/or U.S. that could help protect Ukrainian Refugees?

Poland is currently considering passing a Parliamentary Act giving temporary residence rights to refugees coming in from Ukraine which would permit people to work and live in the country. This would be hugely beneficial to the millions seeking to rebuild their lives following this conflict.

In terms of U.S. policies, earlier this week the Biden administration granted Temporary Protected Status (TPS) to Ukrainians who are already in the U.S., allowing those whose temporary visa may be about to expire or who may have overstayed a temporary visa to stay lawfully in the U.S. and be authorized to work to support themselves, rather than being required to return to Ukraine at a time when doing so would be incredibly dangerous. We’re thankful for this action.

Additionally, the White House announced last week that it would resettle up to 100,000 Ukrainians to the U.S. and provide more than $1 billion in humanitarian aide to those affected by the crisis.

The Biden administration and Congress should continue to focus on rebuilding the U.S. refugee resettlement program and our asylum system so that Ukrainians and others who have fled their homes with credible fear of persecution can find refuge in the U.S. going forward.

6. Will Ukrainian refugees come to the U.S?

The Biden administration announced last week that it would resettle up to 100,000 Ukrainians to the U.S.

Historically, a significant number of Ukrainians have come to the United States, including many admitted through the U.S. refugee resettlement program through a specific provision known as the Lautenberg Amendment, which offers resettlement to particular religious minorities from the Former Soviet Union.  

World Relief has resettled over 13,000 refugees from Ukraine over the past 18 years; in fact, the 7,300 Ukrainians whom World Relief has resettled just in the past decade represent nearly 40 percent of all Ukrainian refugees resettled to the U.S. during that time frame. Our hearts and prayers are with the many Ukranians we’ve walked alongside— including many who have joined our staff in the United States — who are originally from Ukraine and who, are now deeply concerned for loved ones still within the country.   

More information for Ukrainians in the United States is here.

7. What is World Relief doing to help Ukrainians?

World Relief is currently working with partners on the ground in Romania, Slovakia, Poland, Moldova and Western Ukraine to provide lodging, medical assistance, food and other basic necessities to those who have fled. You can listen to an update from one of our partners here.

We are also ready to resettle Ukrainian refugees whenever we have the opportunity and are providing assistance to those already in the U.S. who are desperately seeking help for their families. The situation is changing rapidly, and so are the ways in which we will be called to respond.

In all things, we are constantly lifting those in need up in prayer — whether for peace in Ukraine or relief from disasters around the world.

8. How can I help?

PRAY: As in all things, we first turn to prayer. Pray for peace in Ukraine, for wisdom and courage for the global leaders involved, and for faith and comfort for the families suffering in the midst of this conflict right now.

ADVOCATE: You can urge the Biden continue administration to provide emergency humanitarian funding to meet the immediate needs of those who are displaced, as well as vulnerable Ukrainians who remain in Ukraine, including by partnering with local organizations in Ukraine and neighboring countries. You can also encourage countries of refuge to continue to provide protection for displaced Ukrainians by processing and providing legal protections for refugees and other displaced persons.

GIVE: You can offer financial support at this crucial time by giving to World Relief’s Disaster Response fund, mobilizing our partners, churches and staff to respond to the critical needs of the most vulnerable needlessly suffering in Ukraine and around the world

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