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8 TED Talks to add to your summer watch-list

We know that sometimes it can be hard to cut through the noise that arises around the subject of immigration, asylum and refugees, and that’s why we’ve gone ahead and compiled a list of 8 TED Talks that can help break down the different subjects for you. They say that a picture is worth a thousand words, but hopefully these first-hand accounts do more than that. As summer approaches, you may want to add these to your watch list. 

What Does It Mean to be a Refugee

 Listen to Benedetta Verti and Evelien Borgman to talk about what the term “refugee” is, what it means to be a refugee, and the reality that caused them to flee their homeland. This TED talk offers a different perspective on how we look at refugees and the process it takes to be fully accepted as a refugee in other countries 

Don’t Feel Sorry for Refugees, Believe in Them 

Luma Mufleh shows what the success of a refugee can look like if we believe in them hard enough. She shares her own experience as a refugee and shares the stories of other refugee children that she had worked with. She calls on people to start taking action and respecting refugees for their struggles and hard work. 

Being a Refugee is not a Choice: Carina Hoang

Carina Hoang tells us of her experiences that drove her to become a refugee. She talks about her journey from Vietnam with 370 other people crammed into one boat, where sheexperienced different bouts of sea sickness, escaped pirates, was attacked by the military and consequently lost all their food. She helps us understand how life-threatening such a dangerous journey is. 

Refugees Starting Over: Kathryn Stam 

Kathryn shares the story of her friend who went from Butan to Nepal taken as a refugee, spending 18 years there before being a refugee in the United States. She tells of how Tec overcomes the hurdles that come with being a refugee and how he was able to be reunited with his family. 

Integrative Thinking and Solutions for Refugees: James Milner 

Milner opens our eyes to the reality of the refugee system in several countries all over the world, stating that it could take up to 18 years to resolve a refugee case. He offers possible solutions and calls on us to use integrative thinking to solve these problems and allow these refugees build a life for themselves. 

The Fundamental Right to Seek Asylum  

Melanie Nezer shares her experience working with central American refugees who are fleeing some of the most violent places in the world, only to be detained for seeking asylum. She shares a few stories to give us perspective and to show us why we need to advocate and fight for them to exercise their right to seek asylum without being arrested. 

What’s Really Happening at the US-Mexico Border — and How we can do Better 

Erika Pinheiro tells the story of the unlawful separation of families at the border, even when these refugees had followed the law. She told of the uninhabitable living conditions of these camps and how women are separated from their children only to realize that these children are being put in the foster care system. She calls on us to take action and stop these acts before it is too late. This story may be from 2019, but it’s something we’re still seeing unfold today at our southern borders. 

The Psychological Impact of Child Separation at the US-Mexico Border 

Luis H. Zayas is a psychologist who explores the impact of traumatic situations on children, such as being separated from families or the violence that they had faced. Some of these effects can be slower responses in the immune system, weakness in parts of the brain that control cognition, judgement, trust and intellectual abilities. He also suggests ways that we could innovate the asylum system instead of continuing to use the harsh system that we have today. 

If you want to get involved and help welcome our neighbors, head to our volunteer page to see what options are available! Or, consider making a gift towards a new horizon, one where our neighbors our welcome.

A Good Neighbor

Holding hands

To close out Volunteer Appreciation Month, we spoke to one of our Good Neighbor Teams about their experience welcoming a family into the U.S. and walking alongside them as they start to rebuild their lives stateside. These teams of 6-8 people are often the first friends our newest neighbors will have when they arrive, and they help explain the differences and culture of the United States during their first months in Memphis. 

In October 2020, Jessica Shoup and her son were waiting at the Memphis airport to welcome an Afghani family to the United States. As the they slowly descended on the escalator, Jessica’s 11-year-old son turns to her, saying, “They look like us.” 

From there, a relationship started to form between Jessica’s family of four and our new arrivals, who have children around the same age as Jessica’s.  

“I enjoy getting to know them, and every time we’re there we’ll probably stay for three hours, just talking,” said Jessica, part of Hope Church’s global outreach team. â€œThat’s been the most enjoyable part so far– hanging out with them.” 

Jessica, alongside other members of her church, are part of the Good Neighbor Team that welcomed this family to the U.S., walking them through first grocery store visits, medical appointments and even school enrollments.  

For her family, it’s “about coming alongside and showing love to a stranger. You can do that in so many different ways, and our kids could just try sitting on the couch and smiling saying ‘thank you.’ We could do it by installing a washer and dryer or bringing them a meal.” 

These little actions have helped weave a bond between the families and other members of the team despite the cultural differences that once loomed large. For Jessica’s husband, Jared, it’s like introducing someone from southern California to someone from Boston—there will be cultural differences in the way we communicate, but we all have things in common, such as food and the traditions linked to it.  

“Culturally, they’re very open to having these conversations with us, and I think that the more we talk to them and understand the world they lived in, the more [we’ll begin to understand,]” Jared said. “Our worlds were obviously very different, and I know that life-wise they’ve been through experiences that I 
just can’t imagine [such as] their constant want for security.” 

The Longs, who also make up part of the team, were able to witness part of these difficulties first-hand when they helped the family return to Afghanistan to pick up their daughter, who they had been forced to leave behind because of delays in her paperwork.  

“I feel like in the sovereignty of God, you really form a lot of relationships,” Lucy Long explained. “Your heart is very vulnerable in that vein, and it really opened up a powerful bond.” 

Because of this bond, members of the Good Neighbor Team can often be found at the the family’s apartment, sharing a meal around their table or helping the children with their homework.  

“It’s been a great experience for us, and we’ve really enjoyed it,” said Johnny Long, who is the director of global outreach at Hope. “I want to build a relationship, and I call it relational discipleship. We have Christ in us, and if we’re having a relationship with someone, then we’re sharing Christ with them.” 

In the future, the Longs would love to see others be a good neighbor to new families as well. In doing so, you will “learn things that you never would learn before in Christ’s character” by being open to the idea and being willing to go outside of your comfort zone. 

In the meantime, Hope’s good neighbor team will continue walking alongside the the family as they rebuild their lives in the U.S. just as they have since that moment in the airport six months ago.  

“I think the ultimate goal is to become friends with this family. We want to see them thrive,” Jared said. “We’re in it for the long haul.” 

Hope Church family, thank you for coming alongside us and this family as we welcome them to the U.S! We all are so grateful for the way you show love like Jesus would, and we cannot wait to see how the future unfolds.  

If you want to come alongside a family just arriving like the Shoups and Longs did, fill out a volunteer application today. As Jared would say, “What’s stopping you?” 

‘God’s answer to my empty nest’

Merilee Moser reflects on 28 years of volunteering with World Relief Spokane

It was a handful of well-timed coincidences that led Merrily Moser to volunteer with World Relief nearly 30 years ago. Her quarter-decade-long volunteer career began in the early 90s after she returned from teaching English in China. During that time, World Relief had opened its first Spokane office in Calvary Chapel, Merilee’s church, and began to resettle refugees in the Inland Northwest. That same year, the last of Merilee’s children went off to college.

“As a mom, you feel that low, kind of depressing, ‘everybody’s gone’ — the empty nest. And the Lord just started filling it with people. They called me mom, grandma, auntie. [Volunteering] was God’s answer to my empty nest,” Merilee said.

Merilee was deeply involved in the church community and worked at the church building several days a week. Over the course of many hours at the shared office space, she formed a friendship with former staff member John Touissant. It was he who first posed the idea that Merilee open her home to newly resettled families.* At first she was incredulous:

“I thought, ‘I can’t do that! I’m a single woman, and what about all these husbands running around my house in their pajamas?’”

Despite her hesitations, Merilee persisted. She said, “I felt like the Lord was just holding the door open excitedly, waiting for me, and I stepped through.”

Although World Relief doesn’t often need host homes nowadays, the gift of friendship is available to all of our volunteers. Connecting with a volunteer also helps our neighbors from afar connect with their new community.

“They say a refugee or an immigrant gets to visit American home once in the first 10 years they’re here. That’s heartbreaking. It’s absolutely heartbreaking,” Merilee said. “People have got to realize that that we are made—we are designed as human beings—to connect. That need for a family and for connection is so strong. And so the best thing that we can do for them and for the country is to be friendly.”

Merilee’s faithful leap into volunteering has led to a whirlwind 30 years of friendship, challenges and God’s provision. Some of her stories are joyful, like the one time she hosted a Vietnamese celebrity and a welcoming party of fans from the Vietnamese community in Spokane showed up at her home. Some of her stories are heavy, like the time she went to check on a family and found the mother on the verge of death after a bad fall had ruptured her spleen.

Though she often wondered how she would be able to support for those who came under her care, there was always enough, somehow.

“I saw the Lord blessing me. At the time, my finances were tight but God provided. I thought, ‘How can I feed and clothe a whole family?’ and God just wonderfully stepped in and said, ‘I’ll show you!’ I felt the abundance of God helping me.”

Merilee recalled several instances of God’s provision. Every time her older wooden home needed to be repainted, for example, families from the refugee community would just show up to help. Once, when a family of 10 needed a new home, she got a call from a property manager who was instructed by the owner to rent to a refugee family. Merilee said the family was moved into the house with a fully stocked kitchen before the deposit had even gone through.

In her long tenure as a volunteer, Merilee has developed many long-term friendships with families she met through World Relief. These relationships, Merilee says, are one of the great joys of her life and have taught her much about the world and about herself.

“Coming from an immigrant family myself, I’m very goal-driven and task-oriented. My dear friends from other countries taught me a lot about how relationships are more important. The respect that they show toward me taught me to respect people more and to show know more regard; as they showed their appreciation toward me, they taught me to show it to others.”

Katherine Bell | 4/15/21

Coming full circle: how sewing tied one volunteer back to her family roots

Melissa sews with her grandmother outside following COVID protocols.

In 1949, a young Yugoslavian man left war-torn Europe with all that he had in the search of a better life. Rather than packing multiple suitcases like we would today, however, he had to build his own out of nails and wood.  

A Nazi prison camp survivor, he had spent the past five years of his life in a displaced persons camp in Europe, one of over one million to do so after the war. He had worked for the U.S. army for a time, and when offered the chance to emigrate by the Serbian Orthodox Church, who sponsored displaced persons (DPs) after the horrors of World War II, he jumped at the opportunity.   

Upon arriving in the U.S., he had nothing but his plywood suitcase. Over time, he built a life for himself here, marrying a fellow immigrant from Serbia. Both families had saved every penny they had in order to be able to come to America, the land of opportunity, in the aftermath of the wars so that they could build a life for their future children, and they did.  

Today, their children and grandchildren are thriving American citizens, having become engineers, teachers, IT professionals and doctors. Several generations have proudly served the U.S. military. One of them, in fact, has even begun giving back to the refugee community that is so similar to that of her father’s by volunteering with us at World Relief Memphis.  

Last fall, Melissa got involved with our Resiliency Program, which helps refugee and immigrant women learn to sew so that they can empower themselves and eventually help support their families.  

Program participants made masks as part of their courses after the pandemic struck.

Prior to COVID-19, Melissa had been unable to volunteer because of the distance. In fact, she lives on a farm in Franklin County, TN, about five hours from Memphis. Yet with the pandemic, she was presented with the opportunity to come alongside the refugee community remotely to help them learn the hard and soft skills necessary to fully integrate into life in the U.S.  

“One of the main things is teaching them the skills for working outside of a home,” Melissa explains. “Some of them have jobs, some of them don’t, so understanding how to call somebody, how to be on time . . . it’s teaching them to be responsible for their jobs.” 

For a couple hours each week, Melissa sits down at her kitchen table and connects via a WhatsApp video call to go through the different projects with each woman. They follow a series of videos that teaches them how to make various items such as masks, scrunchies, bow ties, etc.  

“They are so brave to do this,” said Melissa, 62. “Imagine, they are watching a video that is not in their native language, and then I can’t help them hands on.” 

One time, a student’s bobbin, which feeds the thread through the machine to stitch, wasn’t working. When she called Melissa with the problem, Melissa patiently walked her through it via WhatsApp video, trying to help as much as possible from nearly 300 miles away. 

Learning to sew is always a challenge, yet doing so virtually, through videos with no teacher there to guide you, is even more challenging. For Melissa, however, it was something that was passed down through the family, from generation to generation and from country to country. Now, she’s taking what her grandmother, who was from Serbia, taught her and passing it on to other immigrants and her own daughters.  

Melissa sews with her grandmother outside following COVID protocols.
Melissa tries to solve a program participant’s problem with the help of a family member, being sure to where masks to follow COVID safety protocol.

“My maternal immigrant great-grandfather was a tailor, and [my grandmother] was a true fashionista,” said Melissa, who sewed her own clothes during high school. “She would say, ‘Cut here, cut here!’ I would sew dresses for her, after she had suffered a crippling stroke, and those came out really beautiful. She didn’t even use a pattern, and, you know, that’s how I learned to sew.” 

With the rising prices of fabric and sewing materials, Melissa sews fewer clothes these days, focusing mainly on quilting, home dĂ©cor and tailoring ready-made clothing. However, she still maintains the family tradition by teaching other immigrant woman to sew.  

“It’s really been wonderful for me to make friends with these women,” she said. “We talk about other things too [such as] their jobs or what they’re cooking for dinner, their culture.” 

In doing so, Melissa is building relationships that will last a lifetime and are mutually transformative. For her, she’s learning about other cultures and carrying out what the Bible has called us to do by loving and caring for her neighbor.  

“We’re called on by Christ to care for all people. There’s no nationality for Christ’s teaching,” said Melissa, who is a member of a local church in her hometown. “He said to love others as you love yourself . . . even in the Old Testament, the story of Ruth reminds us that there is no difference with strangers in a strange land because we are all God’s children.”   

For one woman that she teaches, this devoted care has made all the difference. Yordanos, who just started the Resiliency Program four weeks ago, already knows she can turn to Melissa in any circumstance.  

“She’s very generous and helpful, and she cares about her work,” Yordanos’ daughter said as she translated. “Even if she finishes the program, she’s still going to have contact with Melissa, and she knows she’ll easily help her and try to do things in a different way.” 

A former student who recently completed the program echoed Yordanos’ sentiments, saying that Melissa was a good teacher who encouraged her and helped her with her English.  

“She was a big help for me. Whenever I had done my projects, I showed her and she said it’s great,” she said. “I could turn to her for any difficulties.” 

In the future, this student would like to look for a job as a seamstress. Melissa, on the other hand, would like to continue volunteering with World Relief Memphis, even coming in person if needed from time to time.  

“Everyone has been so open and friendly to me,” she said. “I like to speak to people who are not native English speakers, and I like to learn about their cultures because I have an interesting culture.”  As a former teacher who has experience listening and understanding people who have a strong accent or beginning English skills, Melissa is able to help students become confident in expressing themselves in English.  

Through her time volunteering at World Relief Memphis, Melissa has not only helped empower the lives of the women she helps, but she’s also expanded her own learning about other cultures. 

“Melissa has been pivotal to the program, and she’s engaged with clients beyond just sewing – she’s been their friend, a person to talk about their culture with, someone to share successes and set-backs with,” said Rachel Hatfield, who leads our Resiliency Program. “She is one of the most willing people I have ever met – I think she’s demonstrated that skills can be helpful, a language to communicate can be helpful – but, really what it all boils down to is a willingness to help, and learn, and grow alongside of clients.” 

When her father arrived with a plywood suitcase over 70 years ago, he came with the hope of creating a new life for himself and his future children. He succeeded, and now his daughter is giving back to other immigrants and refugees through the family tradition of sewing.  

With the help of volunteers such as Melissa, our work at World Relief Memphis goes far beyond simply welcoming someone when they first arrive. It creates mutually transformative relationships, and it empowers these men and women so that they might succeed in their new life in the U.S., just as Melissa’s family did all those years ago.  

We are so incredibly thankful for our volunteers, and if you want to make an impact like Melissa did, fill out a volunteer application today. We are always looking for volunteers, regardless of whether or not you can sew. All are welcome here.  

Bailey Clark serves as the Communications Coordinator for World Relief Memphis. With a background in journalism and advertising, she is passionate about storytelling and its power to make a difference. 

Q&A with local artist with Whitney Winkler

The Lord has continued to bless us this year, and we are so excited to announce that one way in which He has done so is through a donation from local artist, Whitney Winkler! We sat down with her to talk about what the process was like as she made the piece, what inspired it and how art has an impact in her daily life.  

This interview has been edited for clarity. 

So Whitney, how did you get into painting in the first place? 

I have three kids, and they’re a big reason that I’m a painter. They are 10, 7, and 5, and at one point they were 5, 2, and 0, and it was crazy town. I started painting when my second born was an infant.  

I’ve always been a creative outlet person. Before kids, that actually looked like songwriting for me. I come from a pretty musical, bluegrass family from the Midwest. My mom writes folk songs, my Dad plays the banjo, and my brother plays the guitar. I knew that I am most alive when I am processing my world, emotions, and thoughts through creativity.  

When you’re that sleep deprived, writing a song just seems crushing so there wasn’t that outlet anymore. I started painting at like 11 o’clock at night. I’d use watercolor, just like a mindless medium, and I’d paint while we watched shows to wind down before the baby would wake up again.  

I started to sell my work, and selling it to my friends. When my youngest was 1, that’s when I decided “I’m going to give this a go,” and I worked from home. 

It just grew and grew. Now I’m a full-time working artist, and I’m opening a new store on Broad and Hollywood. It’s a studio/store combo. It’s just wild. 

What generally inspires your work? 

I’m really inspired by new life, hope. I’m working on botanical bouquets series right now, and most of my work is pretty bright and hopeful and in general, that’s just who I am. Not in the sense that I don’t understand or feel sorrow, I feel like I’m always drawn to see the glass full, and sometimes to a fault.  

I’m just really inspired by pushing back darkness through my art and finding ways that art can be exponential. It doesn’t just have to be something beautiful on a wall. It can continue to impact a community and be something to find joy in on a mundane day.  

I’m fascinated by how art brings people together, and what I really want to do in my new store is to host workshops and elevate other people’s voices. I think art has a lot of lanes that are just so helpful. 

When our mobilization director, Catherine, came to you about this piece, had you heard of World Relief before? 

Yes. I had supported in the past financially and gone to some of your events, so I just knew that when Catherine approached me I would have to be a part of it. Art is the way that I know I can serve the community, just like anyone else with their skills. I just feel like that’s a way to give. And sometimes for me that looks like giving a percentage back, sometimes it looks like getting the artwork and letting you have free reign. 

So then, what inspired this piece, and tell us a little bit about how you arrived at the hands cupping water. 

Catherine gave me a little bit of direction about what you guys would like to use, such as the hands for the logo. So with that and the colors, I had a good direction to go off of and not to stray too far from the brand that it already has. I like the challenge of fitting something into a brand.  

Memphis Artist Whitney Winker
Whitney Winkler will soon be opening a shop and studio on Broad Avenue.

She initially approached me because I do hand gesture art already, and then we talked about kind of a â€œgo team” type gesture with hands, and then we talked about the cupping the hands. Both of them you could make correlate, but I just felt like that kind of embodied what you guys do.  

When I had the blue to work with, I could see water, and that’s the most basic human element of life. I know [World Relief Memphis] advocates for way more than just basic needs, but that’s a start. I liked the concept of water, advocacy, and relief. I just wanted it to feel refreshing like a sigh of relief, so that’s kind of why I did the drips of water coming down. It captures all of those words, but also the element of stepping in on behalf of someone and helping them.  

What was the process like for you when you started making the print? 

I sketched out the hands, and they ended up looking strong. Sometimes I like to paint hands looking more delicate, but I was debating whether I wanted the hands to look that masculine. But as I read over the [World Relief] website and the vision, that core faith, absolutely got all of us: weakness, strength, but I think ultimately the overarching foundation of your mission is that we’re walking in this calling because of God’s calling to our lives to lay down our lives.  

I like the symbol of the hands being strong and safe, but also it doesn’t have to be God’s hands. It could be a representation of them, His safety, but I went with the strong hand.  

As far as the drips go, I painted watercolor, and the drips, I wouldn’t say that they were a mistake, but I didn’t plan for it to be dripping. So, I think a lot of the process took me by surprise. Just the way the hands came out and the way the water was dripping through. Both of those were not things that I set out to do. It just made sense.  

Did you ever think you would have to start over then? 

No, that’s how I work all the time actually. I’m a very loose painter, and I don’t paint delicately or intricately, so, I’m pretty used to my medium leading me, rather than the other way around. With the blue I was like “Yeah, this is it.” I imagined someone cupping water, so thirsty, and it just felt really real to have the water come through your hands.  

How long did the whole process take you? 

I don’t start a painting until I feel like I have an understanding. So, I was on the phone back and forth with Catherine, making sure I had the concept for about a week, and I did the painting in a day. I think I did have a few versions of hands before I landed on the one.  

Did you have an idea of how you wanted the print to be used? 

Stickers was the initial concept, but I think once you have that art you can really run with it and hopefully raise a lot of money with one piece of art. I feel like things that are beautiful speak to our generation, things that are crafted and carefully done speak to our generation. So, I feel like that is needed in the non-profit world.  

Did your faith impact this project at all? 

Absolutely! Ever since art has become a career for me, I had always wanted that to be a part of it. Like I said earlier—I think if Christians can serve in the lane that they’re already in it could do so much.  

 I’ve grown confident to be a Christian in every vocation, and I just try to paint from a place of redemption and hope.  

Last year, I was able to give to 5 or 6 organizations, and, if I have control over my business, I want it to be a large percentage of giving, as much as I can. This to me was a no-brainer because it just keeps on giving to an organization I care about. It really can be the same as writing a check in some ways, so, it’s an outflow of something I believe in, and I feel like I’m always looking for those opportunities in our city.  

I would encourage believers to serve organizations like World Relief in whatever gifting or day job they have that gives them (World Relief) a different skillset than they have. A graphic designer could donate time, for example, and then organizations like World Relief could invest in other areas. 

Out of all of this, then, what would you have to say others who are just hearing about refugees and immigrants or are hesitant to get involved? 

Start somewhere. Like I said before, start in an area that feels already in line with your gifting and your time. I think a lot of time people can get paralyzed by that I-don’t-have-every-Tuesday-and-Thursday or whatever it is. That fear holds you back from doing anything, and I relate with it.  

I feel like even just talking about it to your own communities, maybe over dinner. Personally, I can live my whole life in Memphis without ever encountering an immigrant, so I feel like we have to talk about it because they really are in the shadows.  

We are so thankful for Whitney and the beautiful piece she donated to us, and we cannot wait to share it with you all! If you want to learn more about her work, head to her website or follow her on Instagram @whitneywinkler_art.  

If you want to donate a portion of your time like she suggested, fill out a volunteer application today, and we’ll see how we can get you connected to the community. Together, we’ll welcome our newest neighbors to Memphis. 

How one volunteer goes above and beyond for his fellow immigrants

Volunteer with two children

In 2009, Arrey Kelvin Bissong made the long journey from Cameroon to Atlanta, alone. He left behind his mother and father, his five siblings and his high school sweetheart in order to be able to provide a better life for his family.  

The journey to immigrate to the U.S. was a long one, fraught with challenges, and, once here, those challenges didn’t stop. From going to the post office to going to the grocery store, even mundane tasks became new and different.  

When he got home at night, he was alone with no family to talk to, no friends to console him. Today, his high school sweetheart, now his wife, has joined him in the U.S., and they have been blessed with two children. This past year, Arrey’s mother joined them as well, but his early days in America have had a profound impact on his life and that of others.  

“It’s not easy to be lonely. You come home from work and there’s nobody to talk to, it’s painful,” Arrey said. “Some days I would cry to God ‘Why? Why can’t you bring my wife here?’ You see people in the church, but it’s not the same.” 

His first-hand experience with the loneliness and isolation that accompany an immigrant’s arrival in the U.S. are what drew him to give back to others in situations like his, and, when he heard about World Relief Memphis during a church sermon one day, he felt God’s call to get involved.  

“While I was in church, I found out that World Relief helps refugees come to America, and I said ‘Wow, this is me,’” he explained. “I’m not a refugee, but it’s almost my story, so if I’m able to help other Africans who may not know how to speak English like myself, who may not have any background, any education—why not?” 

Yet it wasn’t at this moment that Arrey became involved with World Relief, for God had a different plan for him. Rather, it was a few years later when he was going door to door in hope of sharing the Gospel with others that he met Ruth, a Congolese woman pregnant with twins who had been separated from her husband during the immigration process. 

Ruth had arrived in Memphis in 2016 with her mother, sister and brother. Since she had filed her paperwork before her marriage, however, she was separated from her husband when it came time to leave the refugee camp. During the medical examinations that are conducted before immigration, she found out that she was pregnant with twins.  

Arrey with Ruth, Dieudonne and their three children.

When she arrived, World Relief helped her and her family begin to get settled into their new life. It was Arrey, however, who took them under his wing and welcomed them.  

“I was drawn to invite more people to the church, not just to promote the church, but because it was what Christ asked us to do and when he was living, he commissioned the disciples to win more souls,” said Arrey, who is an active member in his church. â€œEvery weekend, we would go out to evangelize, and that’s how we were sent to the apartment where they were.” 

Ruth and her family were thrilled to meet to meet a fellow immigrant from Africa, and they eagerly accepted Arrey’s invitation to come to his church. From there, their friendship began to blossom. He soon learned that she was pregnant with twins, and the church became aware of her refugee status.  

“She said that they were in a refugee camp for almost two years because they were escaping war in their country, and she said her husband and siblings were still back home,” Arrey said. “Cameroon had never had any wars, and I had never been in a situation like that, so I was drawn by the story.” 

Nurses, doctors and police officers at his church all began helping Ruth as if she were family. Because she had no car, they took turns driving her to doctor appointments and her English classes with World Relief.  

“We made a schedule, and I was the main guy because I was still working night shifts,” said Arrey, who is now a police officer. “I scheduled myself for mornings so that I could take her to her appointments, and one of my church members who does not work in the afternoons was taking her back home.” 

At times, even the pastor’s wife was helping as well. Through one person, a community had arisen around this young woman who volunteered to take care of her when her husband was thousands of miles away as she prepared to give birth.  

When her children were born, Arrey was there to welcome them into the world.  

“The doctors even told me ‘Dad, congratulations!’” Arrey said with a laugh. “I told them I was not the dad, that he was in Africa, and they couldn’t believe it.” 

Because of his help, Ruth named her children after Arrey, Kelvin and Kelvine. To this day, he still has the photo from the day the babies were born.  

From there, Arrey worked with Ruth and World Relief Memphis to file the proper paperwork to ensure that Ruth’s husband, Dieudonne, could come to Memphis as quickly as possible. He became an official WRM volunteer, welcoming other refugees to Memphis as one of our Good Neighbor Teams.  

Arrey and Dieudonne became fast friends once Dieudonne arrived in Memphis.

At the same time, he continued helping Ruth and her family and visited them weekly. When Dieudonne arrived, Arrey rushed to welcome him, taking him on a “Boys Night Out,” to show him the city: where to buy groceries, where to find African food, etc. 

Today, Arrey is “like a big brother to him. Anytime he’s making a big decision, like taking a job, he would ask my opinion.” When it came time to buy a car, he helped Dieudonne learn to drive and eventually choose one.  

He’s continued to welcome other refugee families alongside World Relief so that they will not have to experience the same loneliness that he did. Four families have come and gone, but Ruth and Dieudonne remain the exception, and they’re still close to this day.  

“My story is what drew me to them, and it was heartbreaking to see a young girl separated from her husband with two children, and how difficult it was,” Arrey said. “God works in mysterious ways, and I’m always willing to help in any way I can.” 

We cannot thank Arrey enough for coming alongside us and the refugee community to welcome them to Memphis, empowering them to build a new life for themselves. Our work only goes so far, and the help of our incredible volunteers is what truly makes a difference in the lives of these men and women and helps them to build a home.  

If you want to get involved like Arrey, whether it’s on a Good Neighbor Team or as a conversation partner or a youth mentor, get started today by filling out your application. Along the way, you just might make a new friend or two, and we promise that you will be making a difference in the lives of our new neighbors. 

Volunteer Spotlight: Café English

Volunteer Ed Thompson with Habitat for Humanity

When Ed Thompson took a business trip to France nearly five years ago, he didn’t think it would have such a profound impact on his life today. But this one experience of speaking a foreign language in a country that is not your own is in fact what spurred him on to become a volunteer at the Connect Language Center’s CafĂ© English. 

“What very little French I knew, I was scared to death to try because I was afraid they either wouldn’t understand me or I would just botch it up so much,” Ed explained. “I only had to do that for 8 or 10 days, and these folks are here, and they have to do it day in and day out.” 

With that thought in mind, Ed signed up to volunteer with World Relief Memphis after hearing a colleague talk about the organization. For months prior to that, immigration had been a hot topic in the U.S., and, after having multiple discussions with colleagues and friends about it, he decided to take the leap and turn words into actions.  

“If you read so much Scripture, you see the widow, the orphan, and then you see the foreigner attached to that. So much of what God instructed Israel to do was to take care of those groups,” said Ed, a member of Crossroads Baptist Church. “As far as we are to treat them, we are to walk justly and to seek mercy.” 

Ed remembers reading articles written by prominent theologians Russell Moore and Bruce Ashford about immigration, and these pieces in combination with other resources such as the book Welcoming the Stranger are also what encouraged him to take the leap.  

“It was just more of a conviction for me, and the legal issue was really, to me, moot,” he said. “God gave His Word. Legal and illegal immigrants didn’t exist, there was no differentiation, and in so much of this, people seem to be more concerned about the laws than the actual how we’re treating these folks.” 

Because of this, Ed decided to get involved in whatever way he could, even if it was only for an hour a week. Having experienced what it was like to try to speak another language and simply receiving a nod in return, he knew he could provide more than that for those looking to build a life in America. 

“Depending on the level, the ones that weren’t quite as advanced were usually a lot more hesitant to talk,” Ed said. “The biggest challenge is encouraging them to go ahead, to try to speak. If any of the students are like me, I learn much better through trial and error and actually trying to do something than just looking at a book.” 

Even if getting some students to speak was a challenge, it presented a learning opportunity for not only the student, but also for Ed and other CafĂ© English volunteers.  

One time, a Hindu student had mentioned that her favorite American food was a burger. Knowing that Hindus had a special relationship with beef products, however, Ed decided to dig a little deeper. What he discovered was that she was referring to a Chick-fil-a chicken sandwich. Although it comes on a bun, he explained, we don’t call it a burger because a burger implies beef.  

Laughing, Ed said that’s why they were there to help: “If you mess up, we’re here to explain that and tell you, ‘Yes, English does this stupid thing. You would think it would be this way, but it’s not.’” 

In fact, one of the biggest challenges for Ed personally was rewiring his own way of speaking so that those just starting to learn English would be able to understand.  

“The biggest challenge was learning how to not talk English the way we do it every day because you use so many idioms,” said Ed, who now works from home for Fedex. “I would catch myself phrasing something a certain way that I knew they didn’t know what I was talking about.” 

Volunteer Ed Thompson with Habitat for Humanity
On a build with Habitat for Humanity, Ed encountered a former World Relief Memphis client.

Despite these little challenges, however, CafĂ© English and its participants grew on Ed, and he faithfully volunteered there for a year until the pandemic hit. Even then, he was one of the few volunteers who stayed, helping to take the program online for the remainder of the semester.  

For three weeks, he and two others helped keep the program running online. Yet because it was during the day, few students could make it to these new times. When the semester ended, so did CafĂ© English for the time being.  

Even though it couldn’t continue, Ed and his wife still plan on partnering with World Relief and the Connect Language Center in the future to help make a home for our new neighbors in Memphis.  

“There’s a big need for the English help that World Relief is providing. There’s a lot of people that probably don’t realize that, through something like CafĂ© English, they could make a contribution to help these folks adjust to life here,” Ed concluded. “I enjoyed meeting people from different parts of the world and hearing their stories, and I thought it was just as much a Christian response to show up and say â€˜I want to show you some love and say you’re welcome here, and I’m willing to help in whatever way I can.’” 

If you, like Ed, would like to help others improve their English and get acclimated to life in the Mid-South, start filling out your volunteer application today. If you want to improve your own English like others did through the café, sign up for a class at the Connect Language Center.   

Bailey Clark serves as the Communications Coordinator for World Relief Memphis. With a background in journalism and advertising, she is passionate about storytelling and its power to make a difference. 

Internship highlights the best of both worlds

Spring intern Madiha on the Memphis bridge.

“I grew up in a community of immigrants. Sometimes those immigrants were refugees that had to flee for various reasons, so I’ve always been interested in it,” said Madiha, one of our spring 2021 interns.  

A daughter of Pakistani immigrants, Madiha knows what it’s like to grow up with two cultures, or, as she would put it, the best of both worlds. Yet she also knows what it’s like to adjust to a new culture, and to feel like an outsider, thanks to her own experience and that of her parents.  

“I’ve never been back to Pakistan, which is where my parents are from, but I’ve heard a lot about the differences in culture and the way that they had to navigate that,” she explained. “There are ways that we have adapted to American life, which has been very interesting, but we do also celebrate all the holidays that go with being Pakistani, and we do get super excited and dressed up to do all the fun things there too.” 

Although she gets to experience the American tradition of Christmas trees alongside those of Pakistan, her own beliefs and traditions, in addition to her travels, have allowed her to see firsthand how it may feel for a refugee just arriving who feels displaced.  

“I think that growing up as a Muslim in a post 9/11 society, I’ve also been able to see how it feels to be an outsider in your own home and when you get out somewhere,” said the twenty-year-old. “Those experiences have helped me interact with people from different backgrounds better, and even have more empathy for what’s happening in their lives.” 

Madiha was born and raised in Memphis, but her family is originally from Pakistan.

Thanks to experiences such as this one, Madiha decided to pursue a degree in international relations with a focus on international migration at Georgetown University in the school of foreign service. When she came back to Memphis to complete her classes online in the midst of the pandemic, she took advantage of the opportunity to work directly with those affected by mass displacement through an internship at World Relief Memphis.  

Despite only being a month into her internship, she can already attest to how much she has learned thanks to coworkers such as Vaughan Meiss who have taken the time to explain the refugee resettlement process to her.  

“I was just hoping to learn more about the entire process, from the time that a person gets off at the airport all the way through to being deemed as resettled in the community,” Madiha said. “I haven’t known a lot of things about the whole process, so I definitely appreciate the way they’ve been very open to explaining everything.”  

After this experience, Madiha feels inspired by the stories she has heard, and she knows that she will have many career options available to her—whether it be in policy, migrant students and education, or even a refugee resettlement agency such as World Relief.  

“I’ve loved talking to the people that we work with and hearing what they’ve gone through, seeing their attitude towards the challenges they have faced has been very uplifting,” stated Madiha, who speaks not only English but also Urdu and Hindi. “When we do talk to them, their willingness to work and figure out how they can settle into life is very inspiring.” 

With only a few months left, she is hoping to learn as much as possible before returning to Georgetown and continuing her studies. Yet thanks to her time at World Relief Memphis and to her own experiences thus far, Madiha is going back knowing that “there’s a lot more in common when it comes to the source of our traditions than [we] realize, and it all just depends on how you display them that’s different.” 

With that in mind, Madiha urges future interns to act with empathy and understanding, as a friend. 

“Don’t have the perspective of someone who comes in and saves them, that savior complex,” said Madiha after highlighting the resiliency of refugees. “Be someone who just works with them, and gets to know them and is their friend.” 

Already, she has begun to do the same in just her short month with us by listening to different stories and coming alongside our newest neighbors in their road to integration, and we know that she will continue to do so in her future endeavors as well, whether they be in Memphis, Washington, D.C. or elsewhere.  

And this summer, we will be welcoming more interns who want to learn and make a difference in the lives of our refugee and immigrant community. If that sounds like you or someone you know, fill out an application by April 6, 2023. Hopefully, we’ll be welcoming you in June alongside our new neighbors. 

Bailey Clark served as the Communications Coordinator for World Relief Memphis. With a background in journalism and advertising, she is passionate about storytelling and its power to make a difference. 

Why I serve: the story of Peace

As an immigrant, I know how it is to feel overwhelmed in a new place with no guidance. I have watched my parents come back home frustrated because they did not understand the system, and it was no fun at all. I eventually got used to going to school, relearning how to write, and learning various subjects that I had never even heard of, and, still to this day, I am often confused. During my junior year in high school, I started to get engaged in the community, and I felt happy that I was able to do things that made people’s lives easier. During my senior year, I found an immigrant community and was very happy to be a part of it. They made my life better and helped me understand the college process since I would be the first person to attend a university in the U.S. in my family. I realized that I wanted to give back to that same community, so my interest in service grew, specifically in immigrant communities. I was not confident in my ability to tutor students, so I decided to volunteer each time they needed me to talk about the organization at social justice panels. I started working towards more service, and I applied to the Bonner program at Rhodes College, a program for students that want to be active in the community.

I got accepted, and this was where I first heard of World Relief Memphis. I got a remote internship and began to work immediately. Due to the current pandemic, I am not able do in-person service, but I feel very helpful and happy with my duties. I am responsible for doing research and contacting local organizations that might help us at World Relief Memphis serve our clients better. The research that I do helps with community orientation for our clients and helps establish partnerships with other communities and organization willing to work together with WRM to build a stronger community and home for all.

As a Christian, my faith encourages me to help and serve others the way that God wants us to, and recently, I have started using this faith to guide me as I continue my service and education. This internship has opened my eyes to a new dimension of the church that I do not often consider: service and giving. We are called to give and serve just as Jesus did while He was on earth, and I plan on doing just that in whatever way I can, and to the best of my ability.  I am currently a biology major at Rhodes College on the Pre-Med track, hoping to use my education to combat the health disparity issues that immigrants and refugees face in the United States.

While that is currently a long-term goal, I look forward to being physically engaged at World Relief Memphis, and I hope to be a part of new beginnings in the lives of my fellow immigrants.

If you want to get involved in the local immigrant community and help make a difference as well, we are currently looking for interns to join us this summer! Just click here and fill out an application, and we’ll be in touch with you to discuss the next steps.

Peace Abhieyghan is our Spring 2021 intern within the Mobilization department with a passion for giving back to the immigrant community. 

Family traditions inspire spring intern, Ibssa

Ibssa may have only been interning with World Relief Memphis for a month now, but he can already see the difference that the experience has had on his life.

Part of an immigrant family himself, Ibssa began his internship hoping to gain “first-hand experience with people in such situations outside of just [his] own family . . . This is a bit more in-depth because you have more types of circumstances to work with.”

At 21-years-old, Ibssa has grown up in Memphis, but his family comes from a long line of “influencers,” as he would say, in Ethiopia. His uncle is a famous musician, and his great-grandfather once traded with the king himself when the monarchy was still in place. 

With a family history such as his, it’s only natural that Ibssa wants to one day be the best in his field as a clinical psychologist. However, he wants to go one step further by serving other immigrants as well.

“My interest has always been wanting to work with immigrants and different people who come, and [those] who come through trauma related reasons,” said Ibssa, a senior at Christian Brothers University. â€œA lot of people who do come here come usually do to very difficult events or dangerous situations.”

And at World Relief Memphis, Ibssa is getting his first glimpse of what that could be like by serving in our Integration Services Department, helping contact program participants and assisting them in setting up their new life in the U.S.

“It’s going to be something that will vary each week,” Ibssa explains. “It’s helping them get whatever they need and keeping up with their plans or their goals, and just basically facilitate that process so that they get exactly what they need and where they need to be, and feel motivated in their own right.”

As someone who has learned multiple languages himself, Ibssa understands what it can be like to communicate in a language that’s not your own, and he’s enjoyed helping program participants in any way he can. But, they’ve also influenced him as well.

“I first met a Swahili client this Wednesday, and I just fell in love with the way that language sounded,” said Ibssa, who currently speaks English, Spanish and Oromo. “It was just so beautiful to me, and I was like I have to learn this.”

By adding Swahili to his list, Ibssa will be one step closer to becoming a polyglot, and one step closer to opening his practice that will one day serve other immigrants in the community, just as World Relief does.

Having grown up with Ethiopian and American traditions, Ibssa is no stranger to balancing two cultures, just like many of our refugee families do now. That, in itself, is in part what drew him to World Relief. And as future interns begin arriving this summer, Ibssa urges them to be open minded. If you do, he says, you will have so much to gain.

“You can learn so much from different people. Your eyes will open to just how expansive culture, language, experiences and though processes can be,” Ibssa says. “Just how resilient some people are who come from maybe hard situations. It’s just the fact that people can connect no matter where you’re from.”

Perhaps one day, Ibssa’s name will be known for his work with immigrants, just like his great-grandfather’s and his uncle’s names were celebrated before him. Yet for now, we are thrilled to have him working with us in Memphis this semester as he finishes his undergraduate degree.

“Come and be open-minded,” Ibssa says. “You’ll be so surprised by what you see.”

If you’re looking for a summer internship, we are currently accepting applications! Apply here, and we’ll be in touch with you for any additional information or interviews. If you are not looking to intern but still want to get involved, check out the volunteer opportunities we have available.

Bailey Clark serves as the Communications Coordinator for World Relief Memphis. With a background in journalism and advertising, she is passionate about storytelling and its power to make a difference. 

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