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World Relief Celebrates International Women’s Day, Announces New Organizational Oversight Board Gender Ratio

March 8, 2020

Lauren Carl

World Relief Celebrates International Women’s Day, Announces New Organizational Oversight Board Gender Ratio
Global humanitarian organization honors the women and girls served in 2019 and sets future standards high

BALTIMORE – This International Women’s Day, World Relief recognizes the women and girls served through various programming throughout the world and maintains that the goal of achieving “Each for Equal” doesn’t need to be a future eventuality, but today’s reality. To that end, World Relief is renewing our commitment to elevating women by announcing that we have welcomed a 75% increase in the number of women participating in our board, which is now 45% female. Additionally, World Relief is excited to announce the appointment of World Relief Burundi’s first female country director, Cesalie Nicimpaye.

“We often forget in our quest for gender equality around the world that improvement starts at home,” commented World Relief Director of Program Resources Joanna Kretzer Chun. “As the great-granddaughter of a child bride in the U.S., I’ve personally seen the transformation that can take place and the opportunities that can be generated in a few short generations. I’m constantly inspired when I get to witness firsthand the change that comes about when a woman is seen, heard, trusted and empowered to make a difference in her community – and I get to partner with some of the most committed and sacrificial women and men who are equally committed to this kind of transformation.”

 In addition to this renewed standard, World Relief is rolling out gender equality training for all international programs staff. The fruits of this is already evident; over the last year, World Relief piloted a Bible study with the Rwandan staff designed to help participants break free from damaging cultural norms and behaviors and empower women to take more leadership roles. Additionally, at World Relief’s annual international leadership gathering at the beginning of the year, intentional efforts were made by each program and country office to invite emerging female leaders, and as a result the overall female participation rate was 50%. This time was also dedicated to prayerfully evaluating the organization’s own policies and standards across its international teams.

Throughout 2019, World Relief partnered with churches around the world to serve over 5 million people. Of that, approximately 80% of the organization’s beneficiaries are women and children. These are just a few of the exciting projects that directly benefit women and girls:

  • In Rwanda, 1,764 women were trained by 20 World Relief-trained volunteers on women’s rights, gender equality, hygiene and nutrition.

  • Around the world in FY19, World Relief supervised 2,827 Savings for Life groups with a collective 64,310 members. On average across all countries, 75% of participants are women.

  • In Burundi alone, 2,167 couples were impacted by Families for Life programming which focuses on strengthening marriages by improving communication, empowering women and promoting healthy families.

  • In the U.S., World Relief resettled 1,570 women and girls through the refugee resettlement program in FY19.

World Relief President Scott Arbeiter said, “We believe the life of each human being to be incredibly precious, and it breaks our hearts when any woman or girl is held back from living fully into her God-given potential. Whether through our Families for Life programming, refugee resettlement, Church Empowerment Zone (CEZ) work, anti-human trafficking efforts or church partnerships with any of the above, we are stepping into 2020, expectant to see the Lord make the path clear for more and more women and girls to experience greater degrees of flourishing than ever before.”

 To learn more about World Relief’s work to empower women and girls, visit

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About World Relief

World Relief is a global Christian humanitarian organization that brings sustainable solutions to the world’s greatest problems – disasters, extreme poverty, violence, oppression, and mass displacement. For over 75 years, we’ve partnered with churches and community leaders in the U.S. and abroad to bring hope, healing and transformation to the most vulnerable.

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World Relief North Texas Reveals New Name, Expanded Footprint

March 2, 2020

Lauren Carl

World Relief North Texas Reveals New Name, Expanded Footprint

FORT WORTH, Texas – Today, World Relief’s office in Texas announced a new name: World Relief North Texas. Formerly known as World Relief Fort Worth, the organization has had a presence in Texas for the last 40 years, welcoming and resettling refugees and providing a variety of services to asylum seekers and other immigrants. In the last nearly 20 years, 88,572 refugees have been resettled in the state, of which many have been persecuted for their faith, their service to the U.S. military abroad or for peacefully advocating for human rights.

“World Relief’s presence and work in Texas has never been limited to Fort Worth,” commented office director Troy Greisen. “It was past time to name what has been true for years; World Relief North Texas’ work extends to many corners of the great state. We have been privileged for many years to serve the newest members of many communities in Texas, and we look forward to continuing the good work being done in partnership with volunteers and churches to welcome and resettle refugees, asylum seekers and other immigrants.”

Since opening in 1980, World Relief has welcomed over 12,000 refugees to North Texas in addition to serving other immigrants who did not originally arrive in the U.S. as refugees. Today, World Relief North Texas offers –  in addition to welcoming and resettling refugees – case management, financial education,  job training and placement services, ESOL training, youth sports opportunities, food distribution and other services. These services are offered in partnership with local churches and volunteers. 

World Relief President Scott Arbeiter said, “We are grateful to have had the opportunity and privilege for so many years to serve individuals and families arriving for the first time in Texas. We believe that updating the name to reflect the scope of work honors the efforts being accomplished and positions World Relief in Texas to continue to be the hands and feet of Christ to those arriving in Texas.”

To learn more about World Relief’s work in Texas visit

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About World Relief

World Relief is a global Christian humanitarian organization that brings sustainable solutions to the world’s greatest problems – disasters, extreme poverty, violence, oppression, and mass displacement. For over 75 years, we’ve partnered with churches and community leaders in the U.S. and abroad to bring hope, healing and transformation to the most vulnerable.

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World Relief Celebrates A Moment of Hope for South Sudan As Government Unites

February 25, 2020

Lauren Carl

World Relief Celebrates A Moment of Hope for South Sudan As Government Unites
South Sudan signs deal for a unity government, ending civil war

BALTIMORE – On Saturday, February 22, South Sudan’s two rivals, President Salva Kiir and Riek Machar, made a peace deal aimed at ending the six years of civil war. To seal the peace deal, former South Sudanese rebel leader Riek Machar was sworn in as First Vice President of South Sudan.

The civil war, which began in 2013 between Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM) and Sudan People’s Liberation Movement-in-Opposition (SPLM-IO), has killed about 400,000 people and displaced millions. According to OCHA, in South Sudan, 80% of the people live below the poverty line, and of its 11.7 million people, 4.5 million are displaced and 7.2 million are in need of help.

“Over the years the world and media have turned a blind eye to the horrific conflict in South Sudan,” said World Relief President Scott Arbeiter. “This is a moment of hope in the nation, and we ask that you join us in praying for the Unity Government, the United Nation and the many NGOs on the ground, including World Relief.”

Since 1998, World Relief’s programs in South Sudan have been providing humanitarian assistance in the areas of healthcare, food security and other lifesaving activities. In the Greater Upper Nile region, World Relief is responding to the recent conflict and displacement with emergency health, nutrition and education programs while also distributing agricultural inputs and training sessions aimed at reversing the cycle of food aid dependency. In the more stable Western Equatoria State, World Relief is empowering local churches to serve their communities while promoting agricultural training sessions and savings groups. 

“It will take years, even decades to return to the high hopes of independence in 2011, but the suffering has been so great, perhaps now there is a way forward,” added World Relief CEO Tim Breene.

 This is a new beginning in South Sudan, and World Relief is asking for others to join them in prayer and to consider partnering with their work in South Sudan.

Download the PDF version of this press release.

About World Relief

World Relief is a global Christian humanitarian organization that brings sustainable solutions to the world’s greatest problems – disasters, extreme poverty, violence, oppression, and mass displacement. For over 75 years, we’ve partnered with churches and community leaders in the U.S. and abroad to bring hope, healing and transformation to the most vulnerable.

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World Relief Laments Expanded Restrictions on Lawful Immigration

World Relief Laments Expanded Restrictions on Lawful Immigration
New “Travel Ban” Will Bar Family Reunification from Particular African and Asian Countries

BALTIMORE, Md. – Late today, President Trump issued a new executive order expanding upon previous travel bans. The new order bars most individuals from Burma, Eritrea, Kyrgyzstan and Nigeria from obtaining immigrant visas to migrate lawfully to the U.S. and restricts individuals from Sudan and Tanzania from eligibility for one category of immigrant visa. 

“These further restrictions on legal immigration processes will mean families seeking reunification will be stymied,” explained Scott Arbeiter, World Relief President. “This overly broad policy unfairly targets individuals of particular nationalities in Africa and Asia, and sadly it’s consistent with various other policies that have the effect of significantly restricting legal immigration to the United States.”

Working both through a network of local offices as well as by providing technical support to scores of local churches with accredited immigration legal clinics, World Relief has helped thousands of individuals in the process of family reunification since the 1980s, including many from the countries that will be affected by this new executive order.

“These families have done everything we’ve asked of them as a nation, working through a complex legal process that in many cases has required them to wait years or decades to immigrate lawfully to the U.S. Now, those from these particular countries of origin will be barred,” notes World Relief Director of National Immigration Programs Courtney Tudi. “As Christians who believe that God instituted the family unit, we believe these policies are harmful.”

The executive order does not apply to the U.S. refugee resettlement program. However, it does seem to restrict individuals who initially arrived as refugees, who may now be Lawful Permanent Residents or naturalized U.S. citizens, who have filed I-130 petitions to be reunited with family members still in their countries of origin. This will particular impact many from Burma, also known as Myanmar, which is the top country of origin for refugees resettled to the U.S. in the past decade. More than 150,000 Burmese refugees have been admitted to the U.S. in the past twelve years, most of whom have been persecuted Christians. Many are now proud U.S. citizens – but this new executive order will bar their immediate family members still in Burma from being reunited to them through family sponsorship.

The U.S. is also home to a large Nigerian-American community including more than 200,000 Nigerian immigrants, most of whom are naturalized U.S. citizens. However, many still have family members residing in Nigeria who will now be barred from immigrant visas. Nigeria is home to a large population of both Muslims (roughly 90 million) and Christians (roughly 86 million), all of whom will be barred from immigration to the U.S. by this policy. “As a pastor of a church where many of my congregants are from Nigeria and other parts of Africa, this policy is devastating,” says Pastor Gregory Ijiwola of City Lights Church in Chicago.

World Relief urges the administration to immediately revoke this new policy, resuming family reunification and other immigrant visas for qualifying individuals. With support from local churches and other community partners, we will continue to provide the best available legal counsel to individuals seeking to be reunited with their loved ones in these affected countries. For more information, visit

World Relief Responds to President Trump’s State of the Union Address, Encourages Workforce Alternatives & Immigration Reform

World Relief Responds to President Trump’s State of the Union Address, Encourages Workforce Alternatives & Immigration Reform 

BALTIMORE, Md. –  Last night, President Trump gave his third State of the Union Address to a joint session of Congress. As in previous addresses, the president highlighted the efforts he and his administration have taken to secure the Southern border and the need for merit-based immigration reform. World Relief believes that security is essential; it’s just as important as ensuring safe, legal ways for individuals and families fleeing violence, persecution and other tragic circumstances to enter the country and subsequently become a citizen. 

“Safety is a high priority,” commented Scott Arbeiter, president of World Relief. “But we are often guilty of allowing our fear of the unknown cloud our judgment and prevent us from embracing the many men and women who have a credible case for fleeing their country of origin due to persecution and making their home in the U.S. President Trump is right that immigration processes must follow legal procedures and keep citizens safe, but that is not inconsistent with also ensuring the United States continues its tradition of welcoming those fleeing violence and persecution. We urge our leaders to prioritize creating efficient, legal pathways for asylum.”

The president also talked at length about the success of the market and economy during his presidency, citing very low unemployment rates and widespread participation in the workforce. World Relief is grateful for the President urging Congress to prioritize solutions that will make the economy and society even stronger. These solutions must include immigration reform. Time and again, World Relief has witnessed the incredible benefits that come from the nation’s newest members. Refugees and immigrants contribute far more in tax revenue than they receive in resettling or other public benefits – and they’re more likely to start their own business than native-born Americans.

World Relief CEO Tim Breene said, “While we celebrate the continuing economic progress of our country and the record lows in unemployment, we believe passing immigration reform and keeping immigrant families together is of vital economic and moral interest to our country. World Relief will continue to work with Congress and the administration to pass immigration reform and ensure that there continues to be a robust refugee and asylum process for those fleeing persecution.”

To learn more about World Relief, visit

World Relief Responds to President Trump’s State of the Union Address, Encourages Workforce Alternatives & Immigration Reform

February 5, 2020

Lauren Carl

World Relief Responds to President Trump’s State of the Union Address, Encourages Workforce Alternatives & Immigration Reform 

BALTIMORE, Md. –  Last night, President Trump gave his third State of the Union Address to a joint session of Congress. As in previous addresses, the president highlighted the efforts he and his administration have taken to secure the Southern border and the need for merit-based immigration reform. World Relief believes that security is essential; it’s just as important as ensuring safe, legal ways for individuals and families fleeing violence, persecution and other tragic circumstances to enter the country and subsequently become a citizen. 

“Safety is a high priority,” commented Scott Arbeiter, president of World Relief. “But we are often guilty of allowing our fear of the unknown cloud our judgment and prevent us from embracing the many men and women who have a credible case for fleeing their country of origin due to persecution and making their home in the U.S. President Trump is right that immigration processes must follow legal procedures and keep citizens safe, but that is not inconsistent with also ensuring the United States continues its tradition of welcoming those fleeing violence and persecution. We urge our leaders to prioritize creating efficient, legal pathways for asylum.”

The president also talked at length about the success of the market and economy during his presidency, citing very low unemployment rates and widespread participation in the workforce. World Relief is grateful for the President urging Congress to prioritize solutions that will make the economy and society even stronger. These solutions must include immigration reform. Time and again, World Relief has witnessed the incredible benefits that come from the nation’s newest members. Refugees and immigrants contribute far more in tax revenue than they receive in resettling or other public benefits – and they’re more likely to start their own business than native-born Americans.

World Relief CEO Tim Breene said, “While we celebrate the continuing economic progress of our country and the record lows in unemployment, we believe passing immigration reform and keeping immigrant families together is of vital economic and moral interest to our country. World Relief will continue to work with Congress and the administration to pass immigration reform and ensure that there continues to be a robust refugee and asylum process for those fleeing persecution.”

To learn more about World Relief, visit

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About World Relief:

World Relief is a global Christian humanitarian organization that seeks to overcome violence, poverty and injustice. Through love in action, we bring hope, healing and restoration to millions of the world’s most vulnerable women, men and children through vital and sustainable programs in disaster response, health and child development, economic development and peacebuilding, as well as refugee and immigration services in the U.S. For 75 years, we’ve partnered with churches and communities, currently across more than 20 countries, to provide relief from suffering and help people rebuild their lives.

Learn more at

World Relief Laments Expanded Restrictions on Lawful Immigration

January 31, 2020

Lauren Carl

World Relief Laments Expanded Restrictions on Lawful Immigration
New “Travel Ban” Will Bar Family Reunification from Particular African and Asian Countries

BALTIMORE, Md. – Late today, President Trump issued a new executive order expanding upon previous travel bans. The new order bars most individuals from Burma, Eritrea, Kyrgyzstan and Nigeria from obtaining immigrant visas to migrate lawfully to the U.S. and restricts individuals from Sudan and Tanzania from eligibility for one category of immigrant visa. 

“These further restrictions on legal immigration processes will mean families seeking reunification will be stymied,” explained Scott Arbeiter, World Relief President. “This overly broad policy unfairly targets individuals of particular nationalities in Africa and Asia, and sadly it’s consistent with various other policies that have the effect of significantly restricting legal immigration to the United States.”

Working both through a network of local offices as well as by providing technical support to scores of local churches with accredited immigration legal clinics, World Relief has helped thousands of individuals in the process of family reunification since the 1980s, including many from the countries that will be affected by this new executive order.

“These families have done everything we’ve asked of them as a nation, working through a complex legal process that in many cases has required them to wait years or decades to immigrate lawfully to the U.S. Now, those from these particular countries of origin will be barred,” notes World Relief Director of National Immigration Programs Courtney Tudi. “As Christians who believe that God instituted the family unit, we believe these policies are harmful.”

The executive order does not apply to the U.S. refugee resettlement program. However, it does seem to restrict individuals who initially arrived as refugees, who may now be Lawful Permanent Residents or naturalized U.S. citizens, who have filed I-130 petitions to be reunited with family members still in their countries of origin. This will particular impact many from Burma, also known as Myanmar, which is the top country of origin for refugees resettled to the U.S. in the past decade. More than 150,000 Burmese refugees have been admitted to the U.S. in the past twelve years, most of whom have been persecuted Christians. Many are now proud U.S. citizens – but this new executive order will bar their immediate family members still in Burma from being reunited to them through family sponsorship.

The U.S. is also home to a large Nigerian-American community including more than 200,000 Nigerian immigrants, most of whom are naturalized U.S. citizens. However, many still have family members residing in Nigeria who will now be barred from immigrant visas. Nigeria is home to a large population of both Muslims (roughly 90 million) and Christians (roughly 86 million), all of whom will be barred from immigration to the U.S. by this policy. “As a pastor of a church where many of my congregants are from Nigeria and other parts of Africa, this policy is devastating,” says Pastor Gregory Ijiwola of City Lights Church in Chicago.

World Relief urges the administration to immediately revoke this new policy, resuming family reunification and other immigrant visas for qualifying individuals. With support from local churches and other community partners, we will continue to provide the best available legal counsel to individuals seeking to be reunited with their loved ones in these affected countries. For more information, visit

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About World Relief:

World Relief is a global Christian humanitarian organization that seeks to overcome violence, poverty and injustice. Through love in action, we bring hope, healing and restoration to millions of the world’s most vulnerable women, men and children through vital and sustainable programs in disaster response, health and child development, economic development and peacebuilding, as well as refugee and immigration services in the U.S. For 75 years, we’ve partnered with churches and communities, currently across more than 20 countries, to provide relief from suffering and help people rebuild their lives.

Learn more at

World Relief Grieves TX Gov. Greg Abbott’s Halt on Refugee Resettlement in Texas in FY2020

January 10, 2020

Lauren Carl

World Relief Grieves TX Gov. Greg Abbott’s Halt on Refugee Resettlement in Texas in FY2020 

BALTIMORE â€“ Today, Governor Greg Abbott of Texas officially withheld his consent to resettle refugees in Texas in FY2020. Unlike previous years, the refugee ceiling for FY2020 was announced at the end of September paired with an executive order requiring both state and local authorities to consent to resettle refugees in their jurisdictions. Consenting to resettle refugees does not guarantee that refugees will be resettled in those areas; rather, it allows families and individuals to be resettled there upon arrival into the U.S. 

“We are disappointed that Governor Abbott has chosen to close the state’s doors to refugees in 2020,” commented World Relief Fort Worth Director Troy Greisen. “We have seen time and again the amazing contributions that refugees make in our neighborhoods, congregations and the local economy. We grieve the families with members already resettled in Texas that will have to wait even longer to be reunited, and we grieve even more for the loss our communities will experience without their new members.”

World Relief and the Evangelical Immigration Table sent letters to 15 governors from 2,669 evangelical leaders asking they provide consent to refugee resettlement. The letter sent to Governor Abbott included over 340 signatures from Texas evangelicals.

“This action by Governor Abbott is out of step with other governors around the country, including 19 Republican governors, who have said they welcome refugees to their state,” said World Relief President Scott Arbeiter. “It’s out of step with our heritage as Americans. And most importantly, it’s out of step with our Christian prerogative to care for those in need and the stranger. We have been grateful for the leadership Texas has historically shown as a welcoming community and are deeply saddened that they are now choosing to abdicate that role, instead closing their door to refugees altogether. We urge the remaining eight governors who have not yet issued their consent to resettle refugees to consider doing so quickly.”

 To date, 42 governors have issued their consent to resettle refugees in their states, and 86 local officials have similarly requested refugees in FY2020. The remaining governors and local entities have until January 21st to provide consent, at which time resettlement agencies must submit funding requests to the State Department’s Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration for FY2020.

For more information about how you can help, World Relief’s refugee resettlement work and other projects, visit

Download the PDF version of this press release.


About World Relief:

World Relief is a global Christian humanitarian organization that seeks to overcome violence, poverty and injustice. Through love in action, we bring hope, healing and restoration to millions of the world’s most vulnerable women, men and children through vital and sustainable programs in disaster response, health and child development, economic development and peacebuilding, as well as refugee and immigration services in the U.S. For 75 years, we’ve partnered with churches and communities, currently across more than 20 countries, to provide relief from suffering and help people rebuild their lives.

Learn more at

World Relief and the Evangelical Immigration Table Urge Governors in 15 States to Accept Refugees

December 11, 2019

Lauren Carl

World Relief and the Evangelical Immigration Table Urge Governors in 15 States to Accept Refugees
Leading refugee advocacy groups rally 2,669 signatories in support of refugee resettlement

BALTIMORE, Md. – Today, World Relief and the Evangelical Immigration Table coordinated and sent letters to 14 state governors, and to Arizona Governor Ducey this past Friday, to respond to the president’s executive order that requires state governors and local authorities to provide consent to resettling refugees. A total of 2,669 evangelical leaders collectively signed on to show their support for refugee resettlement in their communities. This total includes the evangelicals in North Carolina who signed the letter offering their support following Governor Cooper providing his consent to Secretary Pompeo on Tuesday, December 10th. This total also includes the 294 evangelicals who signed an additional letter sent to Arizona Governor Doug Ducey on Friday, December 6th, which was followed shortly by the governor offering his consent for refugee resettlement in Arizona via a letter to Secretary of State Mike Pompeo. 

In September, President Trump signed an executive order requiring each state and locality to provide written consent to allow refugees to be resettled there. This order could block resettlement altogether in many states where the governors do not provide consent and will prevent many refugees from resettling in their family members’ communities, even after being lawfully admitted into the country. Such written consent must be provided to the Department of State by December 25th.

“After being forced to leave their countries to escape war, persecution or natural disaster and being legally allowed entry to the U.S., the last thing refugees should have to experience is being denied access to communities in which they wish to dwell,” said Scott Arbeiter, World Relief president. â€śHalting the resettlement of refugees to states will disrupt families and could lead to the end of vital ministries by local churches. We’re grateful to Governor Ducey in Arizona for joining fifteen other bipartisan governors in continuing to allow refugees to be resettled in his state, and we hope and pray that the governors in other states will carefully consider the thousands of their constituents who are voicing their desire to serve and embrace refugees in their communities.”

More than 2,669 evangelicals from Arizona, California, Florida, Georgia, Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, North Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Washington and Wisconsin joined their voices in letters to their state’s leadership, including: 

  • 659 in Tennessee,

  • 340 in Texas,

  • 294 in Arizona,

  • 231 in Georgia and

  • 136 in North Carolina.

“I’m so grateful that Governor Ducey has given official consent to allow refugees to continue to be welcomed in Arizona.” noted Dennae Pierre, Executive Director of the Surge Network in Phoenix. â€śEvangelical churches and ministries in our state have been active in serving newly arrived refugees for decades, and we look forward to the continued gift of loving our neighbors fleeing persecution. Evangelicals across our state and others have made it clear – we want to continue welcoming refugees into our communities. We pray that additional governors will follow Governor Ducey’s lead to officially consent to allow refugees to be welcomed into their states in response to the president’s executive order.”

All of the state sign-on letters are available here.

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About World Relief:

World Relief is a global Christian humanitarian organization that seeks to overcome violence, poverty and injustice. Through love in action, we bring hope, healing and restoration to millions of the world’s most vulnerable women, men and children through vital and sustainable programs in disaster response, health and child development, economic development and peacebuilding, as well as refugee and immigration services in the U.S. For 75 years, we’ve partnered with churches and communities, currently across more than 20 countries, to provide relief from suffering and help people rebuild their lives.

 Learn more at


About the Evangelical Immigration Table:

 The Evangelical Immigration Table is a broad coalition of evangelical organizations and leaders advocating for immigration reform consistent with biblical values.

 Learn more at

World Relief Remains Vigilant in Working with Communities to Eradicate HIV/AIDS

December 1, 2019

Lauren Carl

World Relief Remains Vigilant in Working with Communities to Eradicate HIV/AIDS
Empowering churches helps to reduce new infections of HIV 

BALTIMORE â€“ This World AIDS Day, World Relief urges sustained vigilance to eradicate HIV/AIDS. Even though HIV infection is preventable and effective treatment available, 5,000 new HIV infections still occur every day, and nearly 40 million people are infected, according to UNAIDS. Access to testing and maintaining treatment remain challenges, along with lingering stigma. 

World Relief is committed to tackling these issues in partnership with the local churches through strengthening family relationships that enhance marital faithfulness and the value of women, advocating for testing and adherence to treatment, and encouraging family economic growth. Additionally, these partnerships are also a vehicle for educating communities about the vulnerability of young girls who are up to fourteen times times more likely to get HIV than their male counterparts according to U.S. government’s President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) 2019 Annual Report to Congress

“There is a lot of stigma and shame out there around HIV/AIDS that is preventing persons, especially men and youth, from accessing the resources necessary to be tested and treated,” said Scott Arbeiter, president of World Relief. “This is why it is so important for the church to create an atmosphere of acceptance, opportunity and support for those with HIV/AIDS.”

Research has shown that faith-based organizations have lowered the barriers of access to health services and have helped those infected not only get the treatment they need but maintain it.

An African proverb says, “Wisdom is like a baobab tree. No one person can embrace it.”  World Relief and church partners together build communities of nonjudgmental support for reducing HIV transmission and treatment, significantly contributing to the 2019 World AIDS Day theme, “Communities Make the Difference.” Working with the church has proven to be one of the most effective networks for raising both awareness and support. 

”HIV is still the leading cause of death around the world among women of reproductive age in developing countries,” said Tim Breene, CEO of World Relief. “This is why at World Relief we are committed to providing full and complete information to youth about sex and HIV risk, enabling them to make wise choices. Our couples’ training and Families for Life program promotes mutual respect, honor and faithfulness, and Biblical training, to enable behavior change.” 

World Relief has worked in HIV/AIDS for more than 25 years, starting in Malawi and Swaziland. In the years following the genocide in Rwanda, the HIV prevalence rate was estimated at 13%. World Relief saw a critical need to work with the government, communities, and churches to raise awareness, create support groups and home care for people infected, and care for orphans. World Relief Rwanda’s HIV/AIDS programs reached at least 403,560 people during this critical period.

Today, the “baobab tree” is more fully embraced by communities and churches working together with World Relief, covering South Sudan, Kenya, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Rwanda, Burundi, Malawi, Haiti and Cambodia. 

For more information about how you can help, World Relief’s CEZs and HIV/AIDS prevention work and other projects, visit

Download the PDF version of this press release.


About World Relief:

World Relief is a global Christian humanitarian organization that seeks to overcome violence, poverty and injustice. Through love in action, we bring hope, healing and restoration to millions of the world’s most vulnerable women, men and children through vital and sustainable programs in disaster response, health and child development, economic development and peacebuilding, as well as refugee and immigration services in the U.S. For 75 years, we’ve partnered with churches and communities, currently across more than 20 countries, to provide relief from suffering and help people rebuild their lives.

Learn more at

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