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World Relief Reacts To SCOTUS Opinion On Refugee Resettlement in the United States

JUNE 26, 2017
The KAIROS Company for World Relief | 434.426.5310

World Relief Reacts To SCOTUS Opinion On Refugee Resettlement in the United States

“We are hopeful that upon the Supreme Court’s full review this fall, the court will rule in favor of continuing the refugee resettlement program in full, and in so doing, reinforce this traditional American value.”

–  Scott Arbeiter, President of World Relief

BALTIMORE, MD – Global humanitarian and development organization World Relief reacts to today’s (June 26, 2017) SCOTUS opinion issued on refugee resettlement in the United States with the following statement from President Scott Arbeiter and CEO Tim Breene:

This morning the Supreme Court (SCOTUS) ruled to allow a limited version of the current presidential administration’s ban on foreign travelers to take effect, but only for foreign nationals who cannot credibly claim a ‘bona fide’ relationship with a person or entity in the United States. This means that refugees with strong ties to the U.S. through a family or institutional relationship will still be allowed to enter even if the 50,000 cap is reached or exceeded.

World Relief is still evaluating the impact of this decision on the refugees and immigrants we serve. We will continue to carry out legal analysis to determine how and whether the refugee resettlement program will proceed, and continue to believe that the program should allow the most vulnerable refugees to be resettled in the United States—including, but not limited to, those with family relationships.

“As an organization that has resettled refugees for over 35 years, we remain unrelenting in our commitment to refugees and our conviction that refugees have made—and will continue to make—an invaluable contribution to American life. We are hopeful that upon the Supreme Court’s full review this fall, the court will rule in favor of continuing the refugee resettlement program in full, and in so doing, reinforce this traditional American value.” – Scott Arbeiter, President

“We live in a complex world and it is right that we take security seriously. The American people are rightly asking for transparency on the measures taken to safeguard our homeland. However, World Relief does not believe compassion and security have to be mutually exclusive.” – Tim Breene, CEO

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World Relief is a global humanitarian relief and development organization that stands with the vulnerable and partners with local churches to end the cycle of suffering, transform lives and build sustainable communities. With over 70 years of experience, World Relief works in 20 countries worldwide through disaster response, health and child development, economic development and peacebuilding and has offices in the United States that specialize in refugee and immigration services.

Website | Twitter | @WorldRelief

World Relief Pays Tribute to World Refuge Day As Global Number of Displaced Peoples Reaches Highest Point in Decades

JUNE 20, 2017
The KAIROS Company for World Relief | 434.426.5310


World Relief Pays Tribute to World Refuge Day As Global Number of Displaced Peoples Reaches Highest Point in Decades

First Designated by the U.N. on June 20, 2001, World Refugee Day Shines Light on Current Crisis and Honors the Strength, Contributions and Cultures of Refugees

BALTIMORE, MD – Global humanitarian and development organization, World Relief pays tribute to World Refugee Day through multiple, coordinated advocacy efforts on Capitol Hill. First Designated by the United Nations on June 20, 2001, World Refugee Day helps shine a light on the current crisis—which has reached its highest point in decades—as well as honoring the strength, courage, contributions and cultures of refugees all-around the world.

According to the UNHRC annual Global Trend Report, an unprecedented 65.6 million people were displaced either by conflict or persecution at the end of 2016, a figure that U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees Filippo Grandi says is, “unacceptable” by any measure.

In fact, 2016 marks the fifth consecutive year where the total number of displaced persons has increased by the millions. 34 thousand people are displaced every day around the world, or as many as three individuals every minute.

“When you see that the total displaced peoples figure has reached 65.6 million, it’s difficult for the human mind to grasp just how large and how terrible that truly is,” said World Relief President Scott Arbeiter. “That’s larger than the U.K.’s total population. It should serve as a powerful reminder of how much work remains for us all to do, in solidarity, to address one of the worst humanitarian crises the world has ever seen.”

One way that World Relief is encouraging the public to get involved is through the Stand with Refugees Campaign. In an effort to encourage congressional support for refugee resettlement efforts in the U.S., the Stand With Refugees Campaign was conducted from June 12-16th and invited thousands of ordinary Americans to call their members of Congress and voice their support for refugees. In the end, many thousands of phone calls were made representing nearly every state in America and hundreds of congressional districts.

“We know that the problem is too big for any one organization or country to handle by themselves,” said Jenny Yang, Senior Vice President of Advocacy & Policy at World Relief. “But when larger countries with more capacity to help such as the United States, take a step back, it sends the wrong signal. Through the call-in campaign, the people of America sent a powerful signal to our leaders in Washington that we stand with refugees. Our nation has a long history of leading in this area and we should maintain that position. Together, with the rest of the world, we can help save the lives and futures of thousands of innocent, displaced peoples, and World Relief stands ready to do our part.”

World Relief also brought together a group of influential pastors from seven states to Capitol Hill on June 20, to meet with their legislators. Following a briefing and advocacy training breakfast, these pastors met with various Congressional leaders, the State Department and the White House to discuss the challenges and strategies surrounding the current refugee crisis and U.S. policy.

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World Relief is a global humanitarian relief and development organization that stands with the vulnerable and partners with local churches to end the cycle of suffering, transform lives and build sustainable communities. With over 70 years of experience, World Relief works in 20 countries worldwide through disaster response, health and child development, economic development and peacebuilding and has offices in the United States that specialize in refugee and immigration services.

Website | Twitter | @WorldRelief

World Relief Applauds Trump Administration Decision to Maintain DACA Program

JUNE 16, 2017
Matthew Soerens 920.428.9534
Christina Klinepeter 773.724.0605

World Relief Applauds Trump Administration Decision to Maintain DACA Program

Continuation of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program will allow hundreds of thousands of young people to continue to work, study, and contribute to their communities.

BALTIMORE, MD – World Relief is grateful for the decision of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security to continue the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, announced on Thursday evening.

The DACA program, which was initiated by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security in 2012, has allowed roughly 800,000 young people who came to the United States as children and meet certain other requirements to be protected from the threat of deportation and to obtain employment authorization. This status, while not a path to permanent legal status, has allowed many ambitious young people to pursue further education, to work to support their families, and to contribute to their local churches and communities.

“We’re very grateful that President Trump and his administration have made this decision,” said World Relief president Scott Arbeiter. “It’s a huge relief for many young people whom we serve. It was a wise and compassionate decision, consistent with the biblical values that compel us to pursue just and compassionate treatment for immigrants and to have a particular concern for children.”

World Relief serves thousands of individuals each year, including many applicants for DACA, with affordable, authorized immigration legal services directly through its local offices and by providing training and support to a network of local churches authorized by the Department of Justice to provide immigration legal services. “As we interact with DACA applicants on a day-to-day basis, we hear the individual stories of lives transformed by this program,” notes Courtney Tudi, Director of Immigrant Legal Services for World Relief. “We’ve seen the many ways that this status has allowed people to pursue their own dreams and to contribute back to their communities and to the nation.” World Relief continues to urge those who believe they may qualify to apply for DACA or to renew DACA status to consult with an experienced immigration attorney or a Department of Justice-recognized legal services program such as those operated by World Relief.

World Relief continues to affirm the need for long-term, legislative solutions to the situation of undocumented youth and for comprehensive immigration reforms that would address the larger population of immigrants present unlawfully in the United States. “There’s still much work to be done, and we continue to urge congressional leaders to act on a bipartisan basis,” says World Relief SVP for Policy and Advocacy Jenny Yang. “But this decision from the Trump Administration is an important step and worth celebrating.”

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World Relief is a global humanitarian relief and development organization that stands with the vulnerable and partners with local churches to end the cycle of suffering, transform lives and build sustainable communities. With over 70 years of experience, World Relief works in 20 countries worldwide through disaster response, health and child development, economic development and peacebuilding and has offices in the United States that specialize in refugee and immigration services.

Website |   Twitter | @WorldRelief

World Relief Responds to Blog Published By The Times Of Israel

MARCH 29, 2017
The KAIROS Company for World Relief | 434.426.5310


World Relief Responds to Blog Published By The Times Of Israel

BALTIMORE, MD –  Today, World Relief CEO Tim Breene responds to an inaccurate blog posted on the website of The Times of Israel:

“World Relief is not a political organization and it does not take policy positions except in extenuating circumstances. Though, World Relief condemns all forms of anti-Semitism. The blog published by The Times of Israel was grossly inaccurate and mischaracterized World Relief. With regard to the referenced conference in South Africa, World Relief had no part in the selection of any of the speakers, and our organization outright and unequivocally condemns all of those who advocate for or allude to any type of violence whatsoever. “

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World Relief is a global humanitarian relief and development organization that stands with the vulnerable and partners with local churches to end the cycle of suffering, transform lives and build sustainable communities. With over 70 years of experience, World Relief works in 20 countries worldwide through disaster response, health and child development, economic development and peacebuilding and has offices in the United States that specialize in refugee and immigration services.

Website | Twitter | @WorldRelief

Turkana North, Kenya: One of the Worst Humanitarian Disaster You’ve Never Heard About

MARCH 16, 2017
The KAIROS Company for World Relief | 434.426.5310


Turkana North, Kenya: One of the Worst Humanitarian Disaster You’ve Never Heard About

As the only NGO with a permanent presence in many of the remote areas of northern Kenya, World Relief CEO Tim Breene reports on how no significant rainfall in over 18 months has created one of the worst humanitarian crises in the world.

TURKANA, KENYA – From Turkana County, Kenya—a remote and often forgotten region of Eastern Africa near the border of Ethiopia—CEO of World Relief, Tim Breene, has spent the last week meeting with local churches, pastors, government officials, and World Relief humanitarian workers to personally assess the dire situation on the ground. Unfortunately, the visiting World Relief team quickly discovered the reality was far worse than the reports.

“The Kenyan Government estimates that three million people in Kenya are now in need of food assistance and that this number will be four million in April. According to government estimates, Turkana—and especially the north where we are working—is the most severely impacted. It is also the hardest to reach because it is so remote,” says Breene.

With temperatures often hovering above 100 degrees Fahrenheit, a region that normally experiences two rainy seasons per year has not received any significant rainfall in over 18 months. The lack of precipitation combined with sweltering heat has resulted in the death of 60-80% of the region’s livestock—the largely pastoral population’s main source of food.

“We’ve visited many villages and one of the first things we observed is that the livestock has been decimated,” says Breene. “Locals often say that when the livestock dies, they know that they are next. This is one of the greatest humanitarian crises in the world, and these people are largely forgotten.”

Livestock is what safeguards Turkana communities from starvation, especially in the dry season, but 18 months without significant rainfall has brought the people to a breaking point. “The world needs to know just how desperate the situation is here so we can effectively mobilize an international humanitarian effort and avoid an even more catastrophic result,” said Breene.

“The government is doing all they can to help, but they simply don’t have the resources to meet the demands for food aid in Turkana and other parts of Kenya,” adds Breene. “It’s urgent that we equip local communities and churches to care for the sick and malnourished, especially the children. As the only NGO with a permanent presence in the many areas of the region, we’ve developed a network of churches, pastors, community leaders, and volunteers that can distribute emergency food supplies at the most grassroots level possible. We just need the resources.”

Active in the region for more than six years, World Relief has partnered with Parkland Baptist Church in Nairobi along with U.S. partners Wheaton Bible Church and Cornerstone Church. “World Relief has coordinated the efforts of multiple local churches and humanitarian aid organizations with deep technical expertise to find underground water sources, to drill wells, to develop a variety of innovative water storage and irrigation systems as well as to train local communities in desert farming techniques. These enable both diversified livelihoods and more balanced nutrition, so that the Turkana people can be more resilient and self-sufficient in the face of these periodic droughts,” continues Breene. “There are encouraging signs of progress, but the scale and breadth of this crisis exceeds the resources we can bring to bear on the ground.”

Vice President at World Relief, Christina Klinepeter, was a part of World Relief’s assessment team visiting Turkana and recounted a scene emblematic of the larger crisis. “Many of these people walk miles and miles searching for feed for their livestock, often going days between meals,” says Klinepeter. “Knowing that once an animal dies the meat goes bad, two young girls, no older than 10 years old, stopped on the side of the road and were forced to slaughter their family’s goat to save the meat. It was tragic to watch, but you could also see in that moment just how resilient the people of Turkana truly are. They have lived in this region for centuries and they are fighting, often heroically, for their survival.”

“These are highly self-sufficient people,” says Breene. “They aren’t looking for handouts, but many have come to the realization that if something doesn’t change or if outside help doesn’t come quickly, they simply won’t make it.

For more information, or to donate to World Relief’s humanitarian efforts in Turkana, Kenya, please visit:

Pictures and captions of Turkana, Kenya courtesy of World Relief are available here. For permission to use, please email Christina Klinepeter at 

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World Relief is a global humanitarian relief and development organization that stands with the vulnerable and partners with local churches to end the cycle of suffering, transform lives and build sustainable communities. With over 70 years of experience, World Relief works in 20 countries worldwide through disaster response, health and child development, economic development and peacebuilding and has offices in the United States that specialize in refugee and immigration services.

Website |  Twitter | @WorldRelief

World Relief Statement on the International Affairs Budget

MARCH 16, 2017
The KAIROS Company for World Relief | 434.426.5310


World Relief Statement on the International Affairs Budget

“We cannot afford to ignore global crises. These accounts not only support our moral values but they are also in our national security and economic interests.” Tim Breene, CEO of World Relief

BALTIMORE, MD – At a time of growing international humanitarian crises, it is important now more than ever, for the U.S. to continue its moral leadership in caring for the most vulnerable.

Today, the budget was released by the White House which cuts foreign assistance by 31.8%. The international affairs budget, which is about 1% of the federal budget, funds America’s diplomacy and development. This small part of the federal budget saves lives through high-level diplomacy that can prevent wars and through cost-effective humanitarian programs that saves lives.

“We believe the budget reflects our values and principles as an American people,” said Scott Arbeiter, President of World Relief. “It is critical now more than ever, that we continue to respond when we know there are people dying of hunger and suffering due to preventable disease. This is the time to build upon the success of the past in eliminating extreme poverty.”

“Both the public and private sectors are needed to respond to global crises and neither can do it on their own. These accounts leverage each other and have real impact in real lives,” said Tim Breene, CEO of World Relief. “These accounts prevent conflict, which saves American lives and money.”

Trying to balance the federal budget using funds from this small account is not only feasible, it also risks American leadership and the incredible gains the global community has made in the battle against disease, hunger and extreme poverty. International assistance funds leverage private resources from American organizations, donors, and businesses, many times at a 1:1 ratio or more, to maximize impact on the ground.

Support for a robust international affairs budget is critical, as demonstrated by the breadth of faith leaders signed onto two letters to Congressional leadership this week. To read both the faith leaders letters, please click here and here.

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World Relief is a global humanitarian relief and development organization that stands with the vulnerable and partners with local churches to end the cycle of suffering, transform lives and build sustainable communities. With over 70 years of experience, World Relief works in 20 countries worldwide through disaster response, health and child development, economic development and peacebuilding and has offices in the United States that specialize in refugee and immigration services.

Website |  Twitter | @WorldRelief

In Honor of International Women’s Day, World Relief Unveils “Proverbs 31” Video As Part of Organization’s Thank God for Women Campaign

MARCH 8, 2017
The KAIROS Company for World Relief | 434.426.5310


In Honor of International Women’s Day, World Relief Unveils “Proverbs 31” Video As Part of Organization’s Thank God for Women Campaign

 In a show of solidarity, 12 prominent female influencers recorded their own videos for the project, joining many other advocates in promoting and endorsing the organization’s global campaign.

BALTIMORE, MD – Beginning March 1st, global humanitarian relief and development organization, World Relief, began the roll out of the Thank God for Women campaign which focuses on empowering women and elevating their invaluable contribution in transforming families, communities, and cultures around the world.

In support of the initiative—and in honor of International Women’s Day—World Relief will release the “Proverbs 31” video on Wednesday March 8th. The video features real women in various scenes and settings around the world, juxtaposed against the famous Bible verse—blending the words with the moving imagery.

In a show of solidarity with women everywhere, more than 10 leading female influencers lent their own voices to the campaign by recording videos expressing why they personally thank God for women, including:

  • Latasha Morrison
  • Maria Goff
  • Lindsey Viducich
  • Ashley Goff
  • Shauna Niequist
  • Jo Saxton
  • Esther Havens
  • Keisha Polonio
  • Amena Brown Owen
  • Jeanne Stevens
  • Ann Voskamp
  • Rebekah Lyons
  • Jenny Yang

“When each woman shows up and does her brave thing, she actually wins a thousand other battles because she makes a thousand other women brave,” states New York Times bestselling author, Ann Voskamp.

“When I see a group of women get together, I know they mean business. I know that they are going to get it done, I know they’ll bring life and hope,” says Jo Saxton, speaker and director of 3DM.

Author and Vice President of Advocacy for World Relief Jenny Yang adds, “I’ve seen women around the world in some of the most difficult places on earth, they are the ones transforming the world.”

Other publications and leading advocates for women’s empowerment will also feature the Proverbs 31 video on their online platforms including leading faith outlet Christianity Today Women; Catalyst, the nonprofit which seeks to expand opportunities for women and businesses, and many others.

In most of the countries where the organization works, women often face disproportionate levels of discrimina-tion and hardship. World Relief works through local churches to protect, celebrate, and raise the value of wom-en by taking a holistic approach, addressing immediate needs and harmful belief systems simultaneously.

World Relief has economic development, maternal and child health, anti-trafficking, and peace-building pro-grams throughout Africa, Asia, and the Middle East, along with refugee resettlement programs in the U.S. In fact, more than 80% of the beneficiaries of World Relief’s programs are women and children. Across all of the organization’s international initiatives, World Relief has been witness to a myriad of circumstances that have marginalized women for generations, including deeply engrained belief structures, misinterpretations of the Bible, socioeconomics, violence, and war.

The campaign launched on March 1st with the beginning of Women’s History Month, and will highlight International Women’s Day on March 8th. “Worldwide, women remain vulnerable when affected by war, violence, and humanitarian crises. Yet they’re also incredibly resourceful and resilient, often becoming the glue that holds families, economies, and societies together. They are indispensable for a community to thrive,” said World Relief President Scott Arbeiter.

Part of World Relief’s strategy is encouraging men, especially through the church, to serve as the change-makers in society to raise the value of women. “This campaign is about empowering women, but it’s also about the role of men in championing them,” said World Relief CEO Tim Breene.

The Thank God for Women campaign will include social media initiatives, including a Thunderclap campaign, and a series of blog posts to highlight stories about women throughout the world who are making a difference in their communities.

For more information, please visit:

To view the Proverbs 31 video, please visit:

Help spread the word by downloading the #ThankGodForWomen Toolkit:


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World Relief is a global humanitarian relief and development organization that stands with the vulnerable and partners with local churches to end the cycle of suffering, transform lives and build sustainable communities. With over 70 years of experience, World Relief works in 20 countries worldwide through disaster response, health and child development, economic development and peacebuilding and has offices in the United States that specialize in refugee and immigration services.

Website |  Twitter | @WorldRelief

World Relief Responds to Revised Trump Executive Order

MARCH 6, 2017
The KAIROS Company for World Relief | 434.426.5310

Evangelical Relief Organization World Relief Says Revised Trump Executive Order is More of the Same, Expresses Dismay at Ongoing Suspension of the Refugee Resettlement Program and Asks for Greater Commitment to Welcome World’s Refugees. World Relief Appeals to the General Public to Stand in the Gap.

“We stand with refugees. Standing with us are many thousands of American citizens in congregations and communities across the nation who have joined us in this cause.”

—Scott Arbeiter, World Relief President

BALTIMORE, MD – World Relief expresses ongoing concern at the Trump Administration’s decision to maintain a 120-day moratorium on the Refugee Admissions Program, excluding refugees from many of the world’s most vulnerable populations.

“The issuance of a new executive order on refugees and immigrants acknowledges that there were significant problems with the first executive order that caught up green card holders and others as they tried to enter to the United States. However, this new executive order does not solve the root problems with the initial order—the cutting of refugee admissions by 55% and the inability for some of the world’s most vulnerable refugees to come to the United States, it is more of the same,” said Tim Breene, CEO of World Relief.

Just two weeks ago, World Relief released a letter, which, at the time, had 650 church leaders signed on in support of refugees from every state in the country. As of today, the letter has garnered over 6,000 signatures from church leaders all across the country in support of refugees. “The breadth of support of church leaders across the country is astonishing,” said Arbeiter.

“While we support our government in ensuring our safety and security, we believe that compassion and security do not have to be mutually exclusive. We believe that the order simply remains disproportionate.  In our national experience, the actions mandated by this executive order are inconsistent with the security record established by the refugee program since its inception and even since 9-11,” said Arbeiter.

World Relief’s mission is to empower the local church to serve the most vulnerable. The organization has done so, in part, by resettling refugees under seven different Presidential administrations for nearly forty years. World Relief calls on the administration to commit the resources and coordination needed for a rapid restoration of this life-saving program, which represents the historic compassion and courage of the American people. This includes carrying out the security review process as quickly as possible to ensure the program is not delayed any longer than necessary. We continue our commitment to being pro-security and pro-refugee.

“We stand with refugees. Standing with us are many thousands of American citizens in congregations and communities across the nation who have joined us in this cause,” said Arbeiter. “We will continue to appeal to churches throughout the U.S. to continue to support refugees.”

World Relief has publicly and privately expressed its willingness to work with the incoming administration to improve the program while ensuring greater understanding and greater confidence in its existing strengths.

To learn more about World Relief’s efforts to care for refugees already in the United States and in vulnerable communities through the world, visit:

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World Relief is a global humanitarian relief and development organization that stands with the vulnerable and partners with local churches to end the cycle of suffering, transform lives and build sustainable communities. With over 70 years of experience, World Relief works in 20 countries worldwide through disaster response, health and child development, economic development and peacebuilding and has offices in the United States that specialize in refugee and immigration services.

Website |  Twitter | @WorldRelief

World Relief to Highlight the Strength of Women in 2017

MARCH 1, 2017
The KAIROS Company for World Relief | 434.426.5310

World Relief to Highlight the Strength of Women in 2017

“The purpose of the ‘Thank God for Women’ campaign is twofold: to inspire men and women everywhere to feel gratitude for women, and to tell the extraordinary story of how women bring an invaluable contribution to the world, even when they often have to overcome adversity and, through grit and strength, carve a place for themselves.”

-Tim Breene, CEO of World Relief.

BALTIMORE, MD â€” Global humanitarian relief and development organization, World Relief, is starting 2017 with a focus on empowering women and elevating their invaluable contribution in transforming families, communities, and cultures around the world. In most of the countries the organization works, women often face discrimination and hardship. World Relief works through local churches to protect, celebrate, and raise the value of women by taking a holistic approach, addressing immediate needs and harmful belief systems simultaneously.

World Relief has economic development, maternal and child health, anti-trafficking, and peacebuilding programs throughout Africa, Asia, and the Middle East, along with refugee resettlement programs in the U.S. More than 80% of the beneficiaries of World Relief’s programs are women and children. Across all of the organization’s international initiatives, World Relief has been witness to a myriad of circumstances that have marginalized women for generations, including deeply engrained belief structures, misinterpretations of the Bible, socioeconomics, violence, and war. 

Starting March 1st, the organization will roll out “Thank God for Women,” a global campaign to express gratitude toward women and raise awareness of the invaluable contribution they bring to the world.

The campaign will launch with Women’s History Month on March 1st, and build up to International Women’s Day on March 8th. “Worldwide, women remain vulnerable when affected by war, violence, and humanitarian crises. Yet they’re also incredibly resourceful and resilient, often becoming the glue that holds families, economies, and societies together. They are indispensable for a community to thrive,” said World Relief President Scott Arbeiter.

Part of World Relief’s strategy is encouraging men, especially through the church, to serve as the changemakers in society to raise the value of women. “This campaign is about empowering women, but it’s also about the role of men in championing them,” said World Relief CEO Tim Breene.

The “Thank God for Women” campaign will include social media initiatives, including a Thunderclap campaign, and a series of blog posts to highlight stories about women throughout the world who are making a difference in their communities. Short crowdsourced films, featuring influential women saying why they are thankful for women, will accompany the nationwide campaign, releasing on March 1.

For more information, please visit:

Help spread the word by downloading the #ThankGodForWomen Toolkit:


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World Relief is a global humanitarian relief and development organization that stands with the vulnerable and partners with local churches to end the cycle of suffering, transform lives and build sustainable communities. With over 70 years of experience, World Relief works in 20 countries worldwide through disaster response, health and child development, economic development and peacebuilding and has offices in the United States that specialize in refugee and immigration services.

Website |  Twitter | @WorldRelief

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