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World Relief North Texas Announces New Office Director, Garrett Pearson

World Relief Urges Congress to Protect Dreamers After Appeals Court Decision Leaves Future of DACA Program In Doubt

August 25, 2021

Lauren Carl

FORT WORTH, Texas — Today, Garrett Pearson was announced as the new office director of World Relief North Texas. Before joining World Relief North Texas, Garrett spent considerable time working with immigrants and refugees both in the U.S. and abroad. In Guatemala’s Santiago Atitlán, Garrett assisted in building a new care home for single mothers and helped with youth development. Prior to joining World Relief, Garrett served as the executive director for City of Refuge in Columbia, Missouri where he worked in fundraising, advocacy advancement and community engagement.

From a young age, Garrett’s hope has been to develop a sense of belonging for every person as they transition into life in the U.S. Garrett’s experiences working in refugee and immigration services have given him a sense of vocation when it comes to building bridges for other people.  This passion is what ultimately led Garrett to World Relief North Texas.

“The opportunity to join World Relief, an organization I’ve loved and wanted to be a part of for so long, gives me the opportunity to use all of my skills and gifts to do what I believe God is calling me to do,” said Pearson. “World Relief’s mission lines up so well with my desire to engage with churches, communities and families to help the vulnerable. Giving people a sense of belonging is a core part of who I am.”

Originally from Central Texas, Garrett holds a bachelor’s degree in Communications from Texas A&M University in College Station, Texas. He also has a Master of Divinity with a focus in Counseling from Southern Seminary in Louisville, Kentucky. This year, Garrett completed his second Master’s degree, this time in Business Administration from the University of Kansas.

For over 40 years, World Relief North Texas has come alongside refugees and other immigrants in vulnerable situations as they rebuild their lives in the United States. World Relief North Texas’s dedicated staff and volunteers work to empower both the local church, community organizations and individuals to aid refugees and immigrants in the Dallas-Fort Worth area. As the demand for World Relief North Texas’s services has increased in recent years, they have expanded their work beyond refugees to include all immigrants in vulnerable situations.

“I’m really excited about the future of North Texas because I believe there’s a unique opportunity for the church, for Christians and for people in our communities to stand in the gap and to care for the vulnerable,” said Pearson. “Bridge building will be an exciting part of the next few years. Because when we build bridges, we can help each other whenever and wherever there is need.”

Ultimately, Garrett hopes the North Texas community will produce more advocates for the refugee community.

“Whether serving refugees from Afghanistan or Burma or Africa, Garrett is a firm believer in the fact that we can work together to create a place for all of us,” said Jennifer Foy, World Relief vice president of U.S. programs. “He wants North Texas to be known as a place that welcomes the stranger and integrates them into their community.”

To learn more about World Relief North Texas, visit

To download a PDF version of this press release, click here.

About World Relief

World Relief is a global Christian humanitarian organization whose mission is to empower the local church to serve the most vulnerable. We aim to tackle the world’s greatest problems with holistic, locally-driven solutions that lead to lasting change — whether in response to disasters, extreme poverty, violence, oppression or mass displacement and immigration. World Relief’s work in the United States, specifically, focuses on helping refugees and other immigrants in vulnerable situations rebuild their lives in a new country.


World Relief Urges the Biden Administration to Evacuate U.S. Citizens, Allies and Uniquely Vulnerable Afghan Populations Before It’s Too Late

World Relief Urges Congress to Protect Dreamers After Appeals Court Decision Leaves Future of DACA Program In Doubt

August 25, 2021

Lauren Carl

BALTIMORE – Given the president’s re-commitment today to fully drawdown U.S. troops by August 31st, World Relief remains deeply concerned about U.S. citizens, lawful permanent residents (LPRs) and vulnerable Afghans who are at risk of being left behind. Many Afghans put their lives on the line in support of our U.S. mission over the twenty-year conflict only to be turned away at the Kabul airport while trying to be evacuated from Afghanistan in recent weeks. World Relief has been having daily communication with Afghan families in the United States and others who are still stuck in Afghanistan and urges the Biden administration to continue evacuations beyond August 31st.

“The reality is that thousands of women, children and innocent civilians, including some with U.S. citizenship as well as many allies with pending Special Immigrant Visa applications, will be left behind if we do not act immediately to secure their evacuation,” said Jenny Yang, senior vice president of advocacy and policy at World Relief. “World Relief urges the Biden administration to fulfill its promise to the tens of thousands of people who helped the U.S. and risked their families’ lives, in addition to their own, to help our country. We also urge these evacuations to include other vulnerable Afghans, including women leaders, human rights activists, and ethnic and religious minorities.”

As part of the Evacuate Our Allies coalition, World Relief calls on President Biden, who has the legal authority to evacuate our allies and other at-risk Afghans to safety in the U.S., to do everything in his power to evacuate SIVs, LPRs, U.S. citizens and other Afghans no matter how long it takes.

“How we respond to the crisis in Afghanistan will define our generation. A lasting scar will be etched into our nation’s history if the U.S. leaves thousands of Afghans behind to face the ongoing threat of death,” continued Yang. “When it comes to getting Americans out of Afghanistan, President Biden has said that ‘speed is safety’; the same sentiment must be applied to our Afghan allies.”

“Until everyone is brought to safety, we must keep the evacuation going,” said Myal Greene, President and CEO of World Relief. “The Biden administration must do everything in its power to keep its promises to these brave individuals that our nation would offer refuge to those who risked their lives to serve the U.S. missions. We have a moral obligation to protect Afghan lives at this critical hour. To abandon them to the Taliban as part of the schedule set by the Taliban is morally unacceptable.”

World Relief asks that our partners and church community join us in praying for the thousands of women, men and children whose lives are in peril and for the safe evacuation of all U.S. allies and vulnerable populations. And we stand ready to welcome as many as are able to be processed to come into the U.S., alongside thousands of local church and community partners. 

To learn more about World Relief’s response to the humanitarian crisis in Afghanistan, visit

To download a PDF version of this press release, click here.

About World Relief

World Relief is a global Christian humanitarian organization that brings sustainable solutions to the world’s greatest problems – disasters, extreme poverty, violence, oppression, and mass displacement. For over 75 years, we’ve partnered with churches and community leaders in the U.S. and abroad to bring hope, healing and transformation to the most vulnerable.

Learn more at

World Relief Provides Humanitarian Aid After Haiti Earthquake Disaster, Preps for Tropical Storm Grace

World Relief Urges Congress to Protect Dreamers After Appeals Court Decision Leaves Future of DACA Program In Doubt

August 19, 2021

Lauren Carl

BALTIMORE – On Saturday, August 14, a magnitude 7.2 earthquake hit southwest Haiti. Port-au-Prince authorities say that at least 2,189 people were killed and 12,668 people were injured. These numbers are expected to rise as rescue crews search through the rubble. The earthquake is the strongest to affect Haiti in recent memory, of a higher magnitude than the devastating earthquake that hit the island in 2010.

“We are devastated by the loss of so many men, women and children. Les Cayes, the epicenter of the earthquake, is a key base of operations for World Relief, and we have deep relationships in that community.  Our hearts break for those grieving the loss of their loved ones or suffering under the weight of uncertainty as homes and communities have been destroyed. I am praying for the men and women I met on my last trip to Les Cayes, and I hope others will join me in praying for the people of Les Cayes,” said Myal Greene, president and CEO of World Relief.

Haitian Prime Minister Ariel Henry has declared a one-month state of emergency to mobilize government resources to support victims. World Relief is on the ground in Haiti, providing aid to the hardest-hit areas with a team located in Les Cayes, close to the epicenter of the earthquake.

“We are so grateful that all World Relief staff have been reported safe following the earthquake, though we mourn that many of them lost loved ones in the earthquake,” said Charles Franzen, World Relief humanitarian and disaster response unit director. “But our position on the ground in Haiti means we will be able to jump right into the relief effort that Haitians need. Our teams and volunteers in Les Cayes and elsewhere are ready to organize and lead.”

“World Relief’s Church Empowerment Zones are continuing to serve the most vulnerable in Haiti,” said Esther Pyram, World Relief Haiti’s Integral Mission and Church Empowerment Zone Manager. “During the devastating aftermath of the earthquake, our prayer is that hope would be revived for all as our teams provide relief to affected communities in need.”

​​After a rapid assessment of the situation by the World Relief team on Saturday, World Relief youth volunteers were quickly mobilized to assess the full scope of the damage done by the earthquake. World Relief Haiti’s Area Manager in Les Cayes is attending all humanitarian meetings with the Departmental Center for Emergency Operations, and will coordinate World Relief’s response as it unfolds. 

World Relief’s disaster response manager and other program managers are communicating with humanitarian actors on the ground to prepare for World Relief’s intervention. Doug Anderson, an experienced humanitarian disaster response leader, will arrive in Haiti on Thursday and will assume responsibility for leading this emergency response.

Tropical Storm Grace brought heavy rainfall and flooding to an already earthquake-damaged Haiti on Monday. World Relief is working to make sure that as many lives as possible are spared from the damage done by this tropical storm.

As disasters continue to strike in Haiti, World Relief asks that you continue to pray for the protection and well-being of those affected by the earthquake and storm. Learn more about how you can help:

To learn more about World Relief, visit

To download a PDF version of this release, click here.

About World Relief

World Relief is a global Christian humanitarian organization that brings sustainable solutions to the world’s greatest problems – disasters, extreme poverty, violence, oppression, and mass displacement. For over 75 years, we’ve partnered with churches and community leaders in the U.S. and abroad to bring hope, healing and transformation to the most vulnerable.

Learn more at


World Relief Urges International Community to Assist and Protect Vulnerable Afghans

World Relief Urges Congress to Protect Dreamers After Appeals Court Decision Leaves Future of DACA Program In Doubt

August 16, 2021

Lauren Carl

BALTIMORE – Following the Taliban takeover of the Afghan capital of Kabul over the weekend, World Relief is concerned about the increasing vulnerability of the Afghan people and urges the international community to provide protection and assistance to those fleeing danger and violence. In addition, World Relief continues to urge the Biden administration to honor the U.S.’s commitment to its allies and immediately evacuate as many Special Immigrant Visa (SIV) applicants and other vulnerable Afghans to the U.S. as quickly as possible. 

“We are devastated by what’s happening in Afghanistan and stand with the Afghan people,” said Myal Greene, president and CEO of World Relief. “We are acutely aware of the fears and anxiety that the Afghan people feel right now. World Relief is deeply concerned about the many Afghans, including those who assisted U.S. troops, human rights defenders, religious minorities and others, who will be left vulnerable as our troops withdraw. I am praying for peace and the protection of those in Afghanistan right now and ask that others join me in prayer as well.”

World Relief urges the Biden administration to uphold the promise made repeatedly throughout several administrations that Afghans who served with us would be brought to safety in the United States. World Relief believes there is a moral responsibility to safely evacuate our Afghan allies who risked their lives to protect American troops and civilians ahead of the Taliban takeover.

“For the past several months, President Biden has been pressed by human rights groups, faith communities, veterans and bipartisan leaders in Congress to evacuate our Afghan allies as quickly as possible given the imminent drawdown of U.S troops, ” commented Jenny Yang, senior vice president of advocacy and policy at World Relief. “Given the rapidly deteriorating situation in Afghanistan and the evacuation of only 2,000 or so SIV applicants, we urge the administration to do everything it can to continue to assist and protect our vulnerable allies and others who face grave danger and violence because of their association with the United States.”

World Relief stands ready and eager to welcome evacuated Afghan refugees and is actively working with our local partners to prepare to welcome as many refugees as possible. The fiscal year 2022 refugee ceiling, which the Biden administration is due to set in the coming weeks, must account for a significant number of Afghan refugees.

“The way we leave Afghanistan will be an enduring mark on our nation’s history,” continued Yang. “ The U.S. should lead a worldwide effort to assist and protect vulnerable Afghans wherever they are, and to help create safe spaces and assistance for those who are forcibly displaced.” 

World Relief asks that our partners and church community join us in praying for peace and for the protection of those in Afghanistan whose lives are in immediate danger, and for a compassionate response to the needs of Afghan refugees. 

To learn more about World Relief, visit

To download a PDF version of this release, click here.

About World Relief

World Relief is a global Christian humanitarian organization that brings sustainable solutions to the world’s greatest problems – disasters, extreme poverty, violence, oppression, and mass displacement. For over 75 years, we’ve partnered with churches and community leaders in the U.S. and abroad to bring hope, healing and transformation to the most vulnerable.

Learn more at


World Relief Triad Receives Grant From Kate B. Reynolds Charitable Trust for Community Health Empowerment Project

World Relief Urges Congress to Protect Dreamers After Appeals Court Decision Leaves Future of DACA Program In Doubt

August 10, 2021

Audrey Garden
(571) 405-1606

HIGHPOINT, N.C. – World Relief Triad is pleased to announce that it has received a grant from the Kate B. Reynolds Charitable Trust. With this grant, World Relief Triad will fund the Newcomer Collaborative Health Fellowship Project to create systemic change in healthcare in the Piedmont Triad area of North Carolina.

“The goal of World Relief Triad’s Newcomer Collaborative Health Fellowship Project is to improve community health by working with both current refugee communities and existing healthcare provider networks to address the barriers and challenges newcomers may experience while navigating the healthcare system,” said Jarrell Johnson, World Relief Triad Health and Wellness Community Empowerment Coordinator.

The Newcomer Collaborative Health Fellowship Project will work to elevate and empower refugee and immigrant voices throughout the project. The project will hire five ambassadors to represent their respective communities and build relationships with World Relief Triad’s current network of providers. The ambassadors will also disseminate surveys to the refugee community, conduct interviews, and create material for education on topics like sensitivity training and how to navigate cultural, religious and linguistic barriers in the healthcare system. 

Eight percent of North Carolina residents are immigrants, while another seven percent are native-born U.S. citizens with at least one immigrant parent. Refugees and other immigrants endure profound physical and psychological trauma after leaving home to flee violence and persecution. The World Relief Triad Health and Wellness staff and volunteers help refugee clients navigate the often difficult and confusing medical system as well as work to empower clients to become self-sufficient in managing their own health care.

Research shows that ​immigrant families often fear interactions with public agencies and go without needed health care and social services. The Newcomer Collaborative Health Fellowship Program will improve the health outcomes of local refugees by equipping healthcare providers to better engage refugees and by guiding refugees to better interact with healthcare providers.

“The Newcomer Collaborative Health Fellowship Project will establish an important bridge between medical and insurance providers and the refugee community, making sure that our systems are responsive to their needs and that refugees don’t fall through the cracks. Our community health ambassadors will help uplift and amplify the voices of leaders from within refugee communities to begin to address health disparities,” said Rob Cassell, World Relief Triad Executive Director.

For more information, please contact Jarrell Johnson at or visit

To download a PDF version of this press release, click here.

About World Relief

World Relief is a global Christian humanitarian organization that brings sustainable solutions to the world’s greatest problems – disasters, extreme poverty, violence, oppression, and mass displacement. For over 75 years, World Relief has partnered with churches and community leaders in the U.S. and abroad to bring hope, healing, and transformation to the most vulnerable. For 30 years, World Relief has welcomed refugees and immigrants to the Triad, starting in High Point and later expanding work into Winston-Salem.

About Kate B. Reynolds Charitable Trust 

The Kate B. Reynolds Charitable Trust was established in 1947 and is now one of the largest private trusts in North Carolina. Our mission is to improve the health and quality of life of financially-disadvantaged residents in North Carolina. The Health Improvement in North Carolina program area supports community-wide health solutions across the state. The Local Impact in Forsyth County programs area fosters equitable and sustainable solutions to improve the quality of life in Forsyth County. Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., serves as a sole trustee.


World Relief Announces New Office in Western New York, Expands Services Available to Refugees in Region

World Relief Urges Congress to Protect Dreamers After Appeals Court Decision Leaves Future of DACA Program In Doubt

July 27, 2021

Lauren Carl
(703) 388-6734

ROCHESTER, N.Y. – Today, World Relief announces a new office in Rochester, New York. The new office, named World Relief Western New York, will advance World Relief’s presence in the western New York region to best serve the refugee community.

World Relief Western New York is a continuation of the good work started by Refuge Rochester, a nonprofit launched in 2018 by Ken Pitcher to bridge the gap between Christians and their refugee neighbors. Refuge Rochester also acted as a platform for Christians participating in refugee ministry to connect with one another.

World Relief Western New York currently has two professional staff members: Ken Pitcher, Office Director, and Tiffany Wood, Program Director. The focus at present is on renovating the new office and developing programming for the fall, which will include World Relief Good Neighbor Teams and will likely have a focus on mental health and financial literacy courses. World Relief Western New York hopes to continue to expand its services in the years to come.

“The mission of educating the American church on the plight of refugees and on the Biblical mandate to welcome the stranger is close to our heart at World Relief Western New York,” said Pitcher. “We want to bring attention to the refugees in the western New York region and encourage the community to come alongside them as they navigate transitioning into a new country.”

Rochester, where the new office is located, first designated itself as a sanctuary city in 1986 and is still designated as such today. For decades, Rochester has resettled one percent of the refugees who enter the U.S. each year. Today, there still remains a significant need for services for immigrants from all walks of life. In the last 10 years, most refugees have come from Bhutan, Cuba, Burma, Somalia, Iraq, Afghanistan, Ukraine and Congo.

“Over 10,000 refugees have been resettled in Rochester since 2000 from over 35 different countries. World Relief Western New York’s mission is to empower the church to embrace local refugees as a way of welcoming Jesus,” said Tim Breene, CEO of World Relief. “Our staff and volunteers aim to cultivate meaningful and mutually transformative relationships between Americans and refugees in the community.”

Refuge Rochester’s transition into World Relief Western New York will broaden the structure of work previously being done by the organization and increase its capacity to serve the refugee community and educate the American church.

“World Relief Western New York welcomes the opportunity to grow and expand our capacity to reach and assist the most vulnerable members of our region,” said Wood.

World Relief Western New York hosted a virtual town hall on June 16 for churches, partners and interested volunteers to receive information about the transition and get to know the new staff. An in-person gala fundraiser is scheduled for September 30, 2021, which will be an evening filled with multicultural food and music, as well as stories from both refugees and American community members who have been impacted by their relationships with refugees.

“We’re looking forward to collaborating and enhancing the great work already being done in the resettlement community in Rochester and the broader Western New York region. We want to work together to help refugees,” said Wood

To learn more about World Relief’s work in Western New York, visit

To download a PDF version of this press release, click here.

About World Relief

World Relief is a global Christian humanitarian organization that brings sustainable solutions to the world’s greatest problems – disasters, extreme poverty, violence, oppression, and mass displacement. For over 75 years, we’ve partnered with churches and community leaders in the U.S. and abroad to bring hope, healing and transformation to the most vulnerable.

Learn more at


World Relief Laments Impact of Court Decision Regarding DACA, Urges Congress to Act

World Relief Urges Congress to Protect Dreamers After Appeals Court Decision Leaves Future of DACA Program In Doubt

July 16, 2021

Lauren Carl
(703) 388-6734

BALTIMORE — Today, a federal judge in Texas issued a decision that puts the future of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program in jeopardy. While Judge Andrew Hanen’s order will not immediately impact individuals who presently rely upon DACA, it does require the federal government to halt the approval of new DACA requests.

World Relief laments the immediate effects of this order on young people with pending new applications and those preparing to apply for DACA for the first time, as well as for the hundreds of thousands who, though not immediately impacted by the ruling, once again are facing an uncertain future. World Relief is reiterating its call upon Congress to finally pass legislation that would allow Dreamers — individuals who came to the U.S. as children and have no path to permanent legal status — the opportunity to apply for U.S. citizenship.

“Many Dreamers have lived under a cloud of uncertainty for most of their lives,” said World Relief President Scott Arbeiter. “This new decision is devastating for these resilient young people, and for their families, churches, communities and employers. Congress should not wait for further court decisions: they must act immediately to finally pass legislation that the significant majority of Americans. Including the majority of evangelical Christians, say they support.”

World Relief has been advocating for a permanent solution for Dreamers for many years. In 2018, the organization published a full-page ad in the Washington Post that highlighted the concerns of many of the nation’s most prominent evangelical leaders. Through immigration legal services programs in locations throughout the country, World Relief has filed more than 4,300 DACA applications.

“This decision is heartbreaking, but it could also create the pressure to finally persuade Congress that they need to act,” noted World Relief Senior Vice President for Policy and Advocacy Jenny Yang. “The House of Representatives has already passed a bipartisan bill that would resolve this situation once and for all, and I pray that the Senate will quickly debate and pass legislation in the coming days that can ultimately be sent to the president’s desk to be signed into law.”

To download a PDF version of this press release, click here.

About World Relief

World Relief is a global Christian humanitarian organization that brings sustainable solutions to the world’s greatest problems – disasters, extreme poverty, violence, oppression, and mass displacement. For over 75 years, we’ve partnered with churches and community leaders in the U.S. and abroad to bring hope, healing and transformation to the most vulnerable.

Learn more at


World Relief Celebrates South Sudan’s Ten Year Anniversary of Independence

World Relief Urges Congress to Protect Dreamers After Appeals Court Decision Leaves Future of DACA Program In Doubt

July 9, 2021

Lauren Carl
(703) 388-6734

BALTIMORE  – Today, World Relief celebrates the 10th anniversary of South Sudan’s independence. Throughout its first decade of freedom, South Sudan has been on a journey towards unity and prosperity while facing the challenges of civil war, famine, natural disaster and disease. Churches throughout South Sudan have come together to respond to the humanitarian challenges, and progress has been made to feed and educate the children of South Sudan in particular.  World Relief is proud to have partnered with local church communities and USAID, UNOCHA, WFP, UNDP, FAO and UNICEF and other partners in accompanying the people of South Sudan throughout these and many other humanitarian challenges on the road to independence.

“Although South Sudan has been beset by many difficulties over the years, we at World Relief feel called to honor the progress that has been made,” said World Relief president Scott Arbeiter. “Our goal in South Sudan has always been the stability, security and prosperity of the country and its people. We remain committed to working alongside both local communities and other humanitarian organizations in the years to come as we pursue this goal.”

World Relief has operated in the region of South Sudan since 1998, 13 years before South Sudan gained its independence in 2011. World Relief has built its operations with an eye to integrating with and raising up the next generation of South Sudanese community leaders; 97% of World Relief staff are South Sudanese.

World Relief has long provided South Sudan with humanitarian support in the form of disaster response programming, including numerous “Disaster Risk Reduction” activities. World Relief’s COVID-19 response program has reached over 342,000 persons since last year. And In 2020, World Relief welcomed its first female country director to the South Sudan office.

“Today, World Relief is working in the sectors of clinical health, water, sanitation & hygiene (WASH), nutrition, agriculture & food security, community capacity building, child & maternal health, economic development, disaster risk response, peace building & reconciliation and education,” said World Relief South Sudan country director Abiyot Mulugeta. “On the 10 year anniversary of South Sudanese independence, we invite the international World Relief family to pray for continued stabilization, peace and prosperity throughout South Sudan.”

Despite years of progress, 4.5 million children in South Sudan remain in desperate need of assistance, and 8.3 million people need humanitarian support. World Relief has operations and an ongoing humanitarian presence in 3 states: Unity State, Jonglei State, Western Equatoria State, including the Bentiu IDP site that houses roughly 100,000 residents.

“World Relief will continue peacebuilding efforts in South Sudan. Upon this tenth anniversary, World Relief celebrates the progress made on the journey to independence and prays for peace and healing over the nation,” says World Relief president Scott Arbeiter.

To download a PDF version of this press release, click here.

About World Relief

World Relief is a global Christian humanitarian organization that brings sustainable solutions to the world’s greatest problems – disasters, extreme poverty, violence, oppression, and mass displacement. For over 75 years, we’ve partnered with churches and community leaders in the U.S. and abroad to bring hope, healing and transformation to the most vulnerable.

Learn more at


World Relief Commemorates World Refugee Day 2021

World Relief kicks off a series of week-long initiatives to recognize and support refugees at national and local levels to recognize World Refugee Day on June 20

June 18, 2021

Lauren Carl
(703) 388-6734

BALTIMORE, MD — In honor of World Refugee Day 2021, World Relief is spearheading several initiatives such as educational webinars and engaging fundraising activities to celebrate and support refugees throughout the week. World Refugee Day is an international holiday that is annually commemorated on June 20 and recognizes individuals who have fled from their home countries due to violence and oppression.

“World Refugee Day marks a time to celebrate the brave women, men and children who have risen to meet the many challenges presented by discrimination, violence and oppression, often exacerbated by extreme poverty, natural disasters and, now, COVID-19. They are an example of resilience, courage and fortitude,” said Scott Arbeiter, president of World Relief. “As we focus global attention on the plight of those fleeing conflict or persecution, World Relief’s community is committed to helping those striving to rebuild their lives and make America their home.”

To celebrate this year’s World Refugee Day, World Relief Durham co-hosted a webinar focused on practical ways to get involved with serving refugees in the Triad, North Carolina area with Love Out Loud, the National Immigration Forum, and the Evangelical Immigration Table. World Relief Fox Valley is hosting a prayer walk in downtown Appleton, Wisconsin. World Relief Spokane is celebrating by partnering with immigrant artist Jiemei Lin to create limited edition art t-shirts to support refugee resettlement in the Spokane area. In the Seattle, Spokane and Tri-Cities area of Washington, World Relief also organized the Century Challenge to raise funds that are helping newly-arrived refugee and asylee families as they bravely start a new life and integrate into the community in the Pacific Northwest.

After the drastic reduction in refugee admissions over the last four years, World Relief looks forward to partnering with the Biden administration to welcome more refugees this year under the recently increased refugee ceiling of 62,500. Now, as World Relief urges the administration to honor their original commitment of 125,000 in the year to come, we enter into a significant moment in America in which we invite local churches and other community partners to help rebuild our capacity to welcome, love and support these brave families. World Relief is eager and ready to welcome more refugees in 2021 and invites volunteers, businesses and churches to join us in welcoming these newcomers and celebrating their unique and vibrant cultures. Every action counts in the effort to build safe and welcoming communities of love.

“As refugees begin to rebuild their homes and lives, World Relief invites the local church and volunteers to partner with us in helping families find housing, learn English, pursue employment, build friendships and create long-term support systems,” said Tim Breene, CEO of World Relief. “As a nation, we can continue to be a beacon of light and hope for those fleeing persecution in this world and offer the love of Christ to the most vulnerable among us.”

Since 1979, World Relief has played a crucial role in helping to resettle nearly 300,000 refugees in America and served roughly 125,000 other immigrants. This past year, despite the challenges presented by COVID-19 and many field locations transitioning to remote services, our offices remained committed to helping new immigrants thrive by providing vital services and building communities of love and welcome. World Relief resettled more than 1,400 refugees in 2020 and also came alongside asylum seekers and other immigrants in the transition to life in the U.S., providing legal services, language aid and help finding employment and housing.

Download a PDF version of this press release, click here.

About World Relief

World Relief is a global Christian humanitarian organization that brings sustainable solutions to the world’s greatest problems – disasters, extreme poverty, violence, oppression, and mass displacement. For over 75 years, we’ve partnered with churches and community leaders in the U.S. and abroad to bring hope, healing and transformation to the most vulnerable.

Learn more at

World Relief Decries Biden Administration’s Failure to Follow Through on its Promise to Set Robust Presidential Determination for Refugee Resettlement in 2021

World Relief Urges Congress to Protect Dreamers After Appeals Court Decision Leaves Future of DACA Program In Doubt

April 16, 2021

Lauren Carl
(703) 388-6734

BALTIMORE  – Today, despite his repeated promises to increase the U.S.’s commitment to resettling refugees, President Biden signed a revised Presidential Determination for Refugee Resettlement (PD), maintaining President Trump’s historically low admissions goal of 15,000. While President Biden’s revised PD does make important and long-awaited changes to regional admissions categories, the decision to keep the refugee cap at an all-time low represents a stunning betrayal of the president’s previous commitment. While, after widespread outcry, the administration indicated that further revisions may be forthcoming, World Relief believes President Biden must set the refugee ceiling at the promised level of 62,500 for the remainder of the fiscal year immediately.

World Relief believes the ceiling that President Biden signed today is short-sighted and an abdication of our values. The world is currently facing the greatest displacement crisis in modern history, with at least 79.5 million people currently forced from their homes. Of these nearly 80 million people, 26 million are refugees, meaning they have fled their countries because they faced persecution and are unable to find safety at home should they return. The need for countries like the U.S. to welcome and care for the most vulnerable of these refugees has never been greater, and yet the U.S. refugee admissions program has been drastically cut. In fact, President Biden has now affirmed a refugee ceiling that is less than one-third of the level set by President Trump in his first days in office — a level that World Relief’s leadership and many other evangelical leaders sharply critiqued at the time.

“We are shocked and disappointed to hear that President Biden has failed to keep his promise to expand the refugee admissions cap. Biden made clear that he would rebuild the U.S. refugee resettlement program that had been devastated by his predecessor; in embracing President Trump’s historically low refugee ceiling, President Biden is betraying his commitment to build back better” said Scott Arbeiter, president of World Relief. “At a time when refugees and immigrants need American leadership more than ever before, President Biden is refusing to take action.”

Restoring the U.S. refugee program was an official priority of the Biden-Harris administration, with President Biden formally proposing to raise the refugee admissions goal for the remainder of the 2021 fiscal year (FY21) to 62,500 – a move that would have paved the way for a refugee admissions goal of 125,000 during the next fiscal year (FY22). With President Biden’s decision to keep Trump’s refugee cap in place, the future of refugee admissions in the years to come is now uncertain. 

The new commitment to leave the presidential determination at 15,000 came with new regional categories that replaced Trump’s four admissions categories, which has led more than 700 refugees’ flights to be cancelled in recent weeks. The new categories are as follows::

  • Africa – 7,000
  • East Asia – 1,000
  • Europe and Central Asia – 1,500
  • Latin America/Caribbean – 3,000
  • Near East/South Asia – 1,500
  • Unallocated Reserve – 1,000

“We are glad that President Trump’s discriminatory admissions categories have been rescinded, but the fact that the refugee ceiling remains unchanged at 15,000 is a stunning disappointment, and we’re not going to celebrate further vague promises that the ceiling will be reconsidered in the future. The president has effectively abandoned his commitment to help refugees around the world by keeping the refugee ceiling at the lowest levels in U.S. history. He has backtracked on the promise he made in February to raise the refugee ceiling to 62,500, continuing Trump’s draconian policies that shut the door on those fleeing persecution. The effects have been felt by some of the most vulnerable people around the world. In order to truly strengthen the refugee program and reach the eventual goal of resettling 125,000 refugees, the president must do more to restore U.S. leadership in refugee protection, especially when we are facing the world’s worst refugee crisis since World War II,” said Jenny Yang, senior vice president of advocacy and policy for World Relief.

World Relief asks the Biden administration to rebuild and strengthen the resettlement program to meet the promised refugee admissions goal of 62,500. Congress should support robust federal funding for refugee protection and resettlement, as well as proactive legislation, such as the GRACE Act, which would set a minimum refugee admissions goal of 125,000 and expand congressional oversight over the operations of the resettlement program.

“The refugee resettlement ceiling should be raised immediately, so our nation can welcome those we have already vetted. Refugee resettlement is a process that is entirely separate from the challenges at the U.S.-Mexico border, and the situation there should not prevent the administration from keeping its promise to refugees who have already been vetted overseas,” said Tim Breene, CEO of World Relief.

To learn more about refugee resettlement and to ask your congressional representative to consider legislation on it, visit

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About World Relief

World Relief is a global Christian humanitarian organization that brings sustainable solutions to the world’s greatest problems – disasters, extreme poverty, violence, oppression, and mass displacement. For over 75 years, we’ve partnered with churches and community leaders in the U.S. and abroad to bring hope, healing and transformation to the most vulnerable.

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