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Giving Thanks: From a Mother in Burundi

Earlier this month, we shared the story of Capitoline, a hero who’s saving the lives of many children in her community in Burundi.  Now, we get to share the story of a grateful mother who knows firsthand just how important Capitoline’s skills and care are. “Nobody can love and take care of our children the way Capitoline does,” Emmanuella said, as she thought of the time her 17-month-old came down with a high fever and had convulsions in the middle of the night.  She and her husband were afraid – these were signs of malaria, a disease that is preventable and treatable, yet often deadly in Burundi.

 November blog_Emmanuella in Burundi

But Emmanuella knew her neighbor, Capitoline, was a community health worker trained by World Relief. So in the early morning hours, the family ran to Capitoline’s house nearby for help.  She was able to immediately give Emmanuella’s child the proper medications, which led to recovery just three days later.

In the past, Emmanuella had taken her children to the hospital when they were sick. But a trip to the local hospital was a significant journey on foot, and they would often have to wait to even be admitted once they arrived. Capitoline’s medical training meant that Emmanuella and her family didn’t have to wait a long time to receive treatment – time that can mean the difference between life and death.

World Relief has trained hundreds of other community health workers like Capitoline, who are always ready and willing to help their neighbors.  In addition to diagnosing and treating different diseases, they also educate their neighbors about simple hygiene practices that promote good health for every-day living.

Emmanuella knows that health workers like Capitoline are invaluable: “We thank God that we now have a community health worker in our neighborhood.”

To give thanks and empower more heroes like Capitoline, visit

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