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Human Trafficking Awareness Day

The journey from trafficked to free is a unique narrative told differently for each individual.
A quiet young woman sits nervously in a police station with a World Relief case manager by her side. Recently rescued from unimaginable horror as a victim of human trafficking, she rarely initiates conversation. In between interviews, law enforcement and attorneys step out. She looks her case manager in the eye and says in Spanish, “Thank you, thank you, thank you for taking me to church!” She repeats several times how good the people there are to her. With her hand over her heart, she tells the case manager that she is finally at peace!

A small, Hispanic church with minimal resources that meets in a portable behind the building of their large English-speaking parent church embraced her and took her under their wing, showing her love and caring in a way that she had never experienced. The love of Christ allowed them to be a community of healing for this survivor, who is now on a path to restoration.

In community with the local Church, World Relief envisions the most vulnerable people transformed economically, socially, and spiritually. World Relief works in partnership with local law enforcement and other anti-human trafficking task force members to rescue victims of trafficking and provide comprehensive case management services. While the role of each partner is vital to this process, true transformation is complete through the body of Christ. On this Human Trafficking Awareness Day, stand with us in prayer for restoration of those He has set free, [for] “if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.” John 8:36

-Amy Hewat, World Relief US Anti-Trafficking Specialist

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