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Urgent crisis: People in Syria and Turkey needs your help
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Change That Lasts

We think it’s possible. Do you?

We think it’s possible. Do you?

We think it’s possible. Do you?

Change That


We think it’s possible. Do you?


That Lasts

We think it’s possible. Do you?

For nearly 80 years, across 100 countries

we’ve been equipping churches, communities and people like you to develop sustainable, locally-driven solutions to some of our world’s most pressing problems.

Imagine a world where every person is seen and valued for the person God created them to be, where the church steps into its calling to love and serve those who are suffering among us and where diverse communities all over the world flourish in shalom.

That’s the kind of world we’re building at World Relief, and we're so excited to tell you more about it.

Together, in 2022 we:


HOMEPAGE_Mobilized Churches


across the globe to meet urgent needs and create lasting change within their communities.

Read about churches in Malawi.


HOMEPAGE_Equipped Volunteers


globally to act justly, love mercy, and walk humbly alongside their vulnerable neighbors

Read about volunteers in Memphis, TN


HOMEPAGE_Provided Services to Ukrainians

Ukrainians and Afghans

with emergency food, shelter, and resettlement services

Read about the situation in Ukraine


HOMEPAGE_Served Women Men Children

women, men and children

across the globe.

Read about the work at the U.S.-Mexico border.

With the help of people like you, we respond with compassion, advocacy and technical expertise to build flourishing communities. Together, we create change that lasts.

Here’s how:

Humanitarian & Disaster Response

Community Development

Refugee & Immigration Work

Advocacy & Public Policy

Ready to Get Involved?

The latest news from World Relief

Celebrating World Food Day: Farmers in the Democratic Republic of Congo Fighting Hunger

When fighting in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) reached Viviane’s village, she and her children were forced to flee from their home and into a camp with many other internally displaced people . The camp was crowded with others who also sought refuge from the ongoing violence. Unfortunately, without employment or reliable access to…


Three Reasons for Waging Peace, Guest Blog by Lynne Hybels

In the early 90s a horrible war took place in Eastern Europe as the former Yugoslavia crumbled. It was a vicious war, complete with ethnic cleansing and atrocious crimes against humanity. Soldiers would enter a village, rape all the women, and take away all the men and boys over thirteen.  Most of them never returned…


World Relief Cambodia: Orn Raim’s New Purpose

“My name is Orn Raim, [and I am] 54 years old. I’m living in Tropaing Chor village, Chamna Leu commune, Kampong Svay district, Kampong Thom province, [Cambodia]. “I am a widow with 5 sons. I’ve been voted to be a vice village leader. I’ve been with this position for many years, so I know very…


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