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World Relief Awarded Grant to Expand Reconciliation, Stabilization and Resilience Trust Fund Project in South Sudan

December 3, 2021

Audrey Garden

BALTIMORE – Today, the Reconciliation, Stabilization and Resilience Trust Fund Project (RSRTF) Phase II program in Koch County, Unity State, was approved by the United Nations Development Programme Steering Committee for 24 months, spanning December 1, 2021, to November 30, 2023. The total value of the program is $8.7 million, of which World Relief, as the lead agency, is budgeted $3.84 million.

“We are so happy and very thankful to God for this opportunity to continue our peacebuilding work in South Sudan through Phase II. This project provides us with great opportunities for expansion to other counties and will allow us to diversify our programming,” said Abiyot Mulugeta, World Relief South Sudan Country Director.

In Phase II of the program, World Relief will geographically expand to four new counties surrounding Koch County: Guit County, Rubkona County, Mayom County and Mayendit County.

“The RSRTF Program has been the first pilot Area Based Program launched with a goal of restoring peaceful coexistence in Koch County in Unity State,” said Charles Franzén, World Relief Humanitarian and Disaster Response unit director. “Programs introduced in Phase I, such as Village Saving and Loan Associations (VSLAs) and the Self-Help Groups (SHGs), successfully provided alternative sources of livelihoods especially for vulnerable women and youth prone to violence, and have continued to build community resilience against conflicts.”

During Phase I, 72% of surveyed participants reported a decrease in violence and a 24% increase in acceptable food security levels. Also, 365 leaders trained in conflict resolution, and 2,559 individuals received information on human rights, legal frameworks and rights and responsibilities. Forty-two chief court members were trained on South Sudanese law.

“Before the RSRTF program, women and children suffered a lot from violence which was inflicted on them by the armed rebellion. Killings, raping and kidnapping used to be the order of the day. However, since the intervention of the consortium, the aspects of violence have been reduced,” shared one adolescent benefiting from Phase I of programming in Koch County.

The Phase II program will expand upon Phase I and have as its main elements the following expected outcomes:

  1. RSRTF Outcome 1: Individuals, particularly children and women, are facing less violence at the community and local level.
  2. RSRTF Outcome 2: Communities have effective mechanisms in place that meaningfully include women and youth to resolve conflicts peacefully.
  3. RSRTF Outcome 3:  Justice sector actors are more effectively delivering justice, even in areas with previously limited or no judicial infrastructure.  
  4. RSRTF Outcome 4: Communities, including women, youth and disadvantaged groups, are empowered and increasingly able to participate in local and broader political, peace and security processes.
  5. RSRTF Outcome 5: Community resilience is strengthened through increased economic opportunities and sustainable livelihoods.
  6. RSRTF Outcome 6: Reconciled communities have increased access to equitable and reliable basic services and reduced humanitarian aid dependency.

Various drivers of conflicts, such as cattle raids, have continued to perpetuate violence in Koch County, and cultural practices of blood feuds have risen as members of clans and communities who have lost relatives engage in revenge killings. Many of these cattle raidings and revenge dynamics transcend county lines. Phase II will allow World Relief to expand its reach to the regions surrounding Koch County for a more comprehensive peacebuilding approach to this widespread problem.

“Koch County and its surrounding counties have been volatile areas for many years. The fact that we are able to implement peace programs in South Sudan that are still ongoing is incredible,” said Myal Greene, World Relief President and CEO. “Phase II marks a milestone of peacebuilding in South Sudan, and we’re grateful for the opportunity to continue building peace alongside our partners for the next two years.”

Other partners in the consortium led by World Relief include CARE, MercyCorps, the United Nations Mission in South Sudan.

For more information on World Relief’s work in South Sudan, visit

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World Relief is a global Christian humanitarian organization that brings sustainable solutions to the world’s greatest problems – disasters, extreme poverty, violence, oppression, and mass displacement. For over 75 years, we’ve partnered with churches and community leaders in the U.S. and abroad to bring hope, healing and transformation to the most vulnerable.

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