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Press Releases

Find out more about the press coverage about World Relief and our opinions and actions to help the most vulnerable

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World Relief Sponsors Side Event to Ministerial to Advance Religious Freedom to Urge the Restoration of the U.S. Refugee Resettlement Program


Today, World Relief, HIAS, The Episcopal Church, the National Association of Evangelicals and the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops/Migration and Refugee Services (USCCB/MRS) cosponsored an official congressional briefing as a side event to the State Department’s Ministerial to Advance Religious Freedom.

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World Relief Shares Refugee Stories of Hope, Transformation on World Refugee Day 2019


In celebration of the courage of refugees, World Relief commemorated World Refugee Day 2019 throughout the month of June with a number of initiatives designed to increase support of this remarkable community.

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World Relief Challenges Americans Not to Look Away, Help the Children in Detention at Our Border


As the heartbreaking image of Ă“scar Alberto MartĂ­nez RamĂ­rez, gripped by his young daughter in their last moments of life along the U.S.-Mexico border, pricks the conscience of the nation, World Relief is challenging Americans not to look away, but to respond with courage and compassion.

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Today on World Refugee Day, World Relief and Leading Faith Groups Urge Mike Pompeo to Protect Persecuted Refugees


Today, World Relief and 41 other leading faith organizations released a letter to Secretary of State Pompeo urging the administration to increase the number of refugees resettled in the U.S., particularly those who are fleeing persecution as religious minorities in their country of origin.

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World Relief Grieves Church Bombings in Sri Lanka


World Relief issued the following statement in response to the series of bombings that devastated churches and hotels in Sri Lanka on Easter morning, killing 290 and wounding over 500 :

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World Relief Responds to Humanitarian Aid Cut to Central America


Over the last week, President Trump announced that his administration would cut aid to Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador because they had failed to prevent migrants from journeying to the U.S. World Relief responds as the House Foreign Affairs Committee holds a hearing on the importance of U.S. aid to Central America.

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World Relief Warns Against Extremely Low FY 2019 Midyear Refugee Resettlement Numbers (Infographic)


Halfway through fiscal year 2019, World Relief estimates that the U.S. is on track to resettle incredibly low numbers of refugees, lower even than the historically low refugee ceiling set for the year.

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World Relief Akron


World Relief announced its decision to close its office in Akron, OH. The unfortunate reality of the environment at this time makes it necessary to close the office. As the U.S. government decreases the number of refugees admitted into the U.S. and has also signaled an intent to reduce the longstanding public/private partnership with refugee resettlement agencies, World Relief unfortunately needs to reduce its footprint nationally in places like Akron where additional support for refugees already remains strong.

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World Relief Responds to Cyclone Idai’s Impact on Mozambique, Zimbabwe, Malawi


Cyclone Idai landed in Beira, Mozambique, last Thursday before its severe winds and flooding spread to neighboring countries of Malawi and Zimbabwe. The U.N. estimates the tropical storm has affected more than 2.6 million people across Southeastern Africa, devastating more than 1.7 million people in its path in Mozambique and over 920,000 in neighboring Malawi.

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World Relief Grieves Horrific Shooting in New Zealand Mosques


World Relief issued the following statement in response to mass shootings that left 49 people dead and over 20 wounded at two mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand.

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World Relief Responds to Administration’s Proposed Budget Cuts to Humanitarian Assistance Programs


Yesterday, President Trump announced his proposed 2020 budget, including significant cuts to federal spending for a variety of critical humanitarian assistance programs. World Relief expresses concern over the impact that the proposed 24 percent cut to international affairs will have on programs serving the most vulnerable across the globe.

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On International Women’s Day, World Relief Celebrates 4 Million Women and Girls Served


On this global day dedicated to honoring the achievements of women, World Relief announces several exciting new initiatives to affirm the value and dignity of women around the world and equip them to transform their communities in the future.

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