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When God Makes All things New

For Christians around the world, Easter is a celebration of Jesus’ resurrection and the promise that God is making all things new.

World Relief’s mission to empower the church to stand with the vulnerable flows directly from the belief that God can change people’s lives physically, emotionally and spiritually, and that God can also change entire communities, regions and the world.

We also believe that God invites each of us into the process of making all things new—helping restore lives that are broken, bring healing to regions racked by violence and raise up communities currently stuck in cycles of poverty.

As we celebrate Easter this year, may we be grateful for the new life that Jesus’ resurrection makes possible for each of us. And may we be encouraged to join God’s work of making all things new in the world by standing with the vulnerable.

We invite you to learn more about how you can stand with the vulnerable and partner with us as we join in God’s work around the world.

May you, your family and friends enjoy a meaningful Easter!

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